A True Friend Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share A True Friend Questions & Answers.

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A True Friend Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Nationalistic – patriotic
  • Hot under the collar – angry
  • Hands down – easily
  • Chiselled – strong and sharp features
  • Lean – slim
  • Epitome – perfect example
  • Ebb out – fade away

Question 1: How did Jesse Owens amaze the world?

Answer: Jesse Owens amazed the world by winning four gold medals at the 1936 Olympic Games, in the 100-metre and 200-metre sprint events, the long jump, and the 400-metre relay.

Question 2: Who was Luz Long? Why had Hitler ‘kept him under wrap’?

Answer: Luz Long was a German athlete. Hitler had ‘kept him under wrap’ because he was hoping to win the broad jump with him.

Question 3: Why were nationalistic feelings at an all-time high in Berlin during the 1936 Olympics?

Answer: Nationalistic feelings were at an all-time high in Berlin during the 1936 Olympics as Adolf Hitler childishly insisted that his performers were members of a ‘master race’.

Question 4: Why was Jesse Owens angry at first?

Answer: Jesse Owens was angry at first because of Hitler’s Aryan-superiority claims.

Question 5: How would Long’s winning the broad jump event have added support to Hitler’s Aryan-superiority theory?

Answer: Long’s winning the broad jump would have added support to Hitler’s Aryan-superiority theory because Long was a German and Jesse Owens was a black man.

Question 6: How did Jesse Owens and Luz Long perform at the final event?

Answer: Jesse Owens and Luz Long performed exceptionally at the final event. Luz Long broke his own past record and Jesse set the Olympic record of 26 feet 5 5/16 inches.

So, these were A True Friend Questions & Answers.

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