Deciphering the Stereotypical Society Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Deciphering the Stereotypical Society Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the objective type questions and answers of Deciphering the Stereotypical Society so, make sure to check this post as well.

Deciphering the Stereotypical Society Questions & Answers

Question 1: Answer the following:

(a) Define the term discrimination?

Answer: Discrimination can be defined as ‘the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people’.

(b) On what grounds does the constitution prohibit discrimination?

Answer: On the basis of religion, caste, race, gender or place of birth.

(c) Which groups have special provisions in the constitution?

Answer: Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.

(d) What did Mahatma Gandhi fight against in South Africa?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi fought against racial discriminative policies in South Africa.

Question 2: What is a ‘Stereotype’?

Answer: The word ‘stereotype’ comes from a Greek word ‘Stereos’ means ‘solid’ and ‘typos’ means ‘figure’, ‘image’, ‘form’,’ kind’. The word ‘stereotype’ can be defined as ‘to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same’. Stereotyping occurs because we see common patterns in certain categories of people. It is an idea or image about an entire group of people. Although the stereotype may be true for a few members of the group, it is assumed to be true for all members.

Deciphering the Stereotypical Society Questions & Answers

Question 3: What is prejudice?

Answer: i. The word ‘prejudice’ comes from a Latin word. ‘prae’ means ‘before’ and ‘iudicium’ means ‘judgement’. Thus, prejudice literally means ‘prejudgment’.
ii. Prejudice is a kind of prejudgment or assumption about somebody before having sufficient knowledge to judge with accuracy.
iii. Prejudice can be defined as an adverse opinion formed without sufficient knowledge.
iv. Prejudice is an attitude about another person based on his or her perceived membership in a group.
v. So, people use the perceived group membership of another person to provide a ready-made attitude about the person.
vi. The research that has been conducted on prejudice shows that much of prejudice is based on negative feelings towards people belonging to other groups but showing favour towards people belonging to one’s groups.
vii. This is possibly developed not due to hatred though but due to admiration and trust in one’s groups.

Question 4: How to overcome prejudice?

Answer: i. Don’t pre-judge people.
ii. Get to know them as individuals before you decide whether or not you like them.
iii. Treat people the way you want them to treat you.
iv. Stand up for people who are being treated with prejudice.
v. Don’t go along with the crowd when people are being unfair to someone.
vi. Learn about other cultures, countries, and people.

Question 5: What Is Discrimination?

Answer: i. The word ‘discriminate’ comes from a Latin word ‘discriminatus’ means to ‘divide’ or to ‘separate’.
ii. Discrimination can be defined as the practice of unfairly treating a person or a group of people differently from other people or other groups.
iii. Discrimination is behaviour based on stereotypes and prejudices.

Deciphering the Stereotypical Society Questions & Answers

Question 6: Justify that the following statement is stereotypical:

‘Boys don’t cry’

Answer: Stereotype means ‘to believe unfairly that all people or things with particular characteristics are the same’. There are certain beliefs relating to the male and female genders like women cannot go out to earn, men are the protectors and successors of the family. The above statement also conveys one such generalized belief that all men are supposed to be brave and should not express their emotions by crying.

Question 7: Mahatma Gandhi discriminated against in South Africa. Justify the statement with an example.

Answer: He was hurled out of a train when he declined to travel in a third-class coach even when he had a first-class ticket. Indians and the local black population were also debarred from entering many hotels in South Africa. Such discriminative policies enraged Gandhiji.

Question 8: What did Mahatma Gandhi contribution towards eradicating the caste system in India?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi was a crusader against the caste system in India. He challenged the age-old caste system and tried to eradicate the practice of untouchability. He launched the movement against the ills of untouchability. He started newspapers such as Harijan, Harijanbandhu, Harijansevak in English, Gujarati and Hindi, respectively. They served as the mouthpieces of his battle against untouchability. Mahatma Gandhi went on a tour and enlightened the Indians on the evils of untouchability.

Deciphering the Stereotypical Society Questions & Answers

Question 9: In what way does the constitutionof India guarantee the Right to Equality?

Answer: According to the Indian Constitution, everybody is equal before the law. Nobody shall be discriminated on the basis of religion, caste, race, gender or place of birth. Special provisions are made for the development of socially and educationally backward classes or for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes. Untouchability in any form is prohibited. The Indian Constitution provides equal opportunities to all citizens in matters of employment. The Indian Constitution has prohibited the use of any title, which is not military or academic in nature such as Sir, Raja, etc.

Question 10: What is the difference between Stereotype and Prejudice?

Answer: Stereotypes are standardized beliefs about people based on some prior assumptions.
Prejudice is a kind of prejudgment or assumption about somebody before having sufficient knowledge to judge with accuracy.
Prejudice is based on negative feelings towards people belonging to other groups but showing favor towards people belonging to one’s groups whereas in Stereotypes this characteristic cannot be seen.

Question 11: What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?

Answer: Prejudice can be defined as an adverse opinion or learning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge.
Discrimination can be defined as the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people.
We can think of prejudice as an attitude or belief and discrimination as an action or behaviour.

So, these were Deciphering the Stereotypical Society Questions & Answers.

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