Important Questions Of Growing Plants

Hi Everyone!! This article will share some Important Questions Of Growing Plants.

In my previous post, I have shared Growing Plants Questions & Answers that coverfill ups, true & false, match the columns, HOTS, Think & Answer type questions so, make sure to go through that post as well.

Important Questions Of Growing Plants

Question 1: Define reproduction.

Answer: The process of producing new offspring is called reproduction.

Question 2: What are the functions of sepals and petals?

The main function of Sepals is to protect the flower in the budding stage.
The main function of petals is to attract insects and birds.

Question 3: What is the role of stigma?

Answer: Stigma is the sticky tip of the pistil which functions to receive the pollen grains.

Question 4: Describe the parts of a flower.

Answer: The flower is a special structure produced by the plants for reproduction. A flower mainly consists of following parts.
Sepals – A sepal is a small leaf-like structure present at the base of the flower. Its main function is to protect the flower in the budding stage. Sepals together form the outermost layer of the flower called calyx.
Petals – Petals are often brightly coloured and sometimes scented and their main purpose is to attract insects and birds. Petals together form the corolla of the flower.
Stamens – A stamen is the male part of the flower. Each stamen consists of a stalk or filament and a knobbed sac-like tip called anther which contains pollen grains. Pollens are small spore-like structures that are required for reproduction.
Pistils – It is the female reproductive organ of the flower. It is made of 3 parts – stigma, style and ovary. Stigma is the sticky tip of the pistil which functions to receive the pollen grains. It continues as the long tube called style. The style joins the stigma to the ovary. The style ends in a bulb-like structure called the ovary. The ovary contains the female egg cells called ovules.

Important Questions Of Growing Plants

Question 5: What is pollination? Explain the types of pollination.
Difference between Self and Cross pollination.

Answer: The transfer of pollen grains from anthers to stigma is called pollination.
There are two types of pollination: self-pollination and cross pollination.

Self PollinationCross Pollination
i. If pollen grains from a flower reach the stigma of the same flower or another flower of the same plant it is called self-pollination.i. When the pollen grains from one flower reach the stigma of a flower of another plant of the same kind it is called cross-pollination.
ii. Pollens are shed directly onto stigmaii. Pollens are shed through the wind, insects, water, animals, etc.
iii. It can occur even when the flower is closed.iii. It occurs only when the flower is open.
iv. For example: peanuts, orchids, peas, sunflower, etc.iv. For example: Apple, grapes, plum, pear, etc.

Question 6: Name the agents of pollination?

Answer: Wind, insects, birds and other animals are few agents of pollination.

Question 7: Define fertilisation.

Answer: The process in which the pollen travels down a pollen tube and enters an ovary. Here, it fuses with ovules, is called fertilization.

Question 8: What is the function of seed coat?

Answer: Seed coat protects the seed along with the embryo inside. It has a tiny pore which allows water and air to enter.

Question 9: What is the function of cotyledon?

Answer: The function of cotyledon is to store food for the embryo. The food stored is used by the baby plant till it grows the first green leaves.

Question 10: Give two examples of monocotyledons and dicotyledons.

Monocotyledons – maize, rice
Dicotyledons – gram, bean

Question 11: What is Germination? State the factors required for germination.

Answer: Germination is the process by which a seed produces a baby plant or a seedling in the presence of air, water and warmth.
A seed cannot germinate if it does not get the right conditions of air, moisture and warmth. If any one condition is not right, the seed will not grow into a healthy plant.

Important Questions Of Growing Plants

Question 12: Write the difference between Kharif crops and rabi crops.


Kharif CropsRabi Crops
i. They are grown in the rainy season from June to September.i. They are grown in the winter season, i.e. from November to January.
ii. Examples: Rice, maize, jowar, bajra, pulses, peanuts, jute and cotton.ii. Examples: Wheat, barley, peas, gram and mustard

Question 13: What is Dispersal of Seeds? Explain the various ways of dispersal.

Answer: The movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant is called seed dispersal.
The various ways of dispersal are:

Dispersal AgentsDescriptionExamples
WindSeeds from plants are light and have feathery bristles and can be carried to long distances by wind. Such seeds float in the air and are thus dispersed by wind.Dandelion, Maple, Drumstick, etc.
WaterSome aquatic and terrestrial plants use water for seed dispersal. They have hollow seeds that help easy floating in the water.Coconut, water lilly, lotus, etc.
AnimalSome seeds have hook-like structures on them that get stuck to the fur of animals and thus get spread to different places. Many fruits which are swallowed by birds and animals, their seeds get dispersed when they throw the seed or as animal droppings.Burdock, sea holly, etc.
ExplosionSome fruits burst open when they mature. The force of bursting is enough to spread the seedsCotton, peas, beans, Ladyfinger, etc.
GravitySome large, round, heavy fruits just drop straight off the tree onto the ground when they are ripe. If the fruits have a tough outer shell, they may roll some distance from the parent plant else they may break open when they hit the ground and the individual seeds may be scattered. Some seeds are taken further from the parent plant when they reach the ground by animals or water.Apples, passion Fruit, etc.

Question 14: What is Vegetative reproduction?

Answer: Plants reproduce in different ways. Some plants have the special ability to grow new plants from their roots, stem and leaves. This process is called vegetative reproduction.

Question 15: Write short notes on plants growing from stems, leaves, roots and spores.

Plants Growing From Stems: Some stems like ginger and potato have buds on their body. These buds can be grown into a new plant.

Plants Growing From Leaves: Some leaves produce tiny buds around them, which can grow into a completely new plant. For Example – Bryophyllum.

Plants Growing From Roots: Roots of some plants give rise to new plants. For Example – sweet potato, dahlia.

Plants Growing From Spores: Some plants reproduce with the help of spores. For Example – fern and club mosses

Question 16: Why is dispersal of seeds important?

Answer: Seed dispersal is important because –
i. It prevents overcrowding of plants in a given area (provides space for the growth for the plants).
ii. Avoid competition for sunlight, water and minerals.

Question 17: Why mosses and ferns produce through spores?

Answer: Mosses and ferns reproduce with the help of spores because they do not have flowers and therefore no seeds.

Question 18: What is the function of pores and sori in ferns?

Answer: Ferns have leaves with pores on the underside that help the plant to breathe. They also have pods called sori that contain spores which germinate and develop into new plants.

Question 19: What is Agriculture?

Answer: It is the science of growing plants on a large scale for food and biological raw material.

So, these were some Important Questions Of Growing Plants.

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