Patriotism Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Patriotism Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Fallen Soldier, Hello I’m a Wheelchair and The Little Boy Who Saved Holland so, you can check these posts as well.

Patriotism Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Patriotism – Love for or devotion to one’s country
  • Patriot – A person who loves and support his country
  • Trundled – Moved slowly and heavily
  • Alighted – Got down
  • Fussed – Payed a lot of flattering attention
  • Adamant – stubborn
  • Sob – to cry noisily
  • Homage – special honour or respect shown publicly
  • Hefty – impressively large

Question 1: What did Patriotism mean for ‘Naina’?

Answer: Patriotism for Naina meant going to jail like Gandhiji or dying for the country like Bhagat Singh.

Question 2: Why did Grandpa continue to stand while the national anthem was being played?

Answer: As a mark of respect to the national anthem Grandpa continued to stand while the national anthem was being played.

Question 3: According to Grandpa, in what way can patriotism be reflected?

Answer: According to Grandpa, Patriotism can be reflected not only in big things but in small things also. It is not only the battlefield alone that produces patriots. We can find many martyrs in the battlefield of life too.

Question 4: Where did Grandpa take Ajit and Naina for a ‘picnic’? Why?

Answer: Grandpa took Ajit and Naina to Himapet for picnic. He took them because he wanted to make them aware about the real people and their real problems.

Patriotism Questions & Answers

Question 5: Who was Akash?

Answer: Akash was Grandpa’s son and by profession he was a doctor.

Question 6: Why did Akash return from America even though his friends stayed back?

Answer: Akash returned from America even though his friends stayed back because his country has spent lakhs of rupees in educating him. He has to repay this debt. The only way he can do it is by serving the people here. Moreover, India and its villages need good doctors far more than rich countries like America do.

Question 7: What did the villagers do to pay homage to Akash?

Answer: In order to pay homage to Akash, the villagers launched a drive to collect donation for building a small hospital in the village and named the hospital ‘Akash Memorial Hospital’.

Question 8: What did Grandpa learn from Akash?

Answer: Grandpa learnt from Akash the true essence of the word “service” and the real meaning of the word “patriotism”.

Question 9: Read and answer the questions:
‘Good. But do you know why I got up and stood in attention?’

(a) Who is the speaker?

Answer: Grandpa is the speaker.

(b) When did the speaker get up and stand to attention?

Answer: The speaker got up and stood in attention because national anthem was being played.

(c) Why did the speaker do that?

Answer: The speaker did that as a mark of respect for national anthem.

Patriotism Questions & Answers

Question 10: Read and answer the questions:
‘Grandpa, I still don’t understand, I thought patriotism was all about dying for one’s country or making a big sacrifice’.

(a) Who is the speaker?

Answer: Ajit is the speaker.

(b) Is patriotism only about dying for one’s country or making a big sacrifice?

Answer: No, patriotism is not only about dying for one’s country or making a big sacrifice.

(c) What is patriotism all about?

Answer: Patriotism means caring and loving your countrymen and to serve them selflessly. Patriotism can be reflected not only in big things but in small things also. It is not only the battlefield alone that produces patriots. We can find many martyrs in the battlefield of life too.

Question 11: Read and answer the questions:
‘I can understand that my decision has hurt you and I can’t undo that. However, this is my chosen path now’.

(a) Who said this to whom?

Answer: Akash said this to his father.

(b) Where did the speaker and the listener have this conversation?

Answer: They had this conversation in the hospital when grandpa went to see his ailing son.

(c) Which decision of the speaker had hurt the listener?

Answer: The decision of coming back to India and serving his countrymen had hurt the listener.

Question 12: Write True or False:

(a) Patriotism is only about the big things – False
(b) To be a patriot one need not die or go to jail – True
(c) Grandpa stood up for the national anthem as a mark of respect– True
(d) Grandpa, Ajit and Naina took the first bus to a village called Himapet – True
(e) Akash’s father was not very happy with his decision Decision to return to India – True
(f) Grandpa learnt the true meaning of the word patriotism from his grandchildren – False

So, these were Patriotism Questions & Answers.

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