Rajah Bhoje Part – II Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Rajah Bhoje Part – II Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Rajah Bhoje Part – I, The Story of William Shakespeare and The Tidal Wave so, you can check these posts as well.

Rajah Bhoje Part – II Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Shrivelled – Wrinkled and shrunken/dehydrated/dried up
  • Snapped – Made a sharp cracking sound
  • Brink – Edge, boundary
  • Pardon – To forgive
  • Owner – A person who owns something
  • Consent – Give permission for something to do
  • Thee – It is a poetic word for ‘you’
  • Merciful – Kind, generous
  • Command – Order
  • Pretend – Imaginary, unreal
  • Wicked – Evil, bad
  • Gratitude – The quality of being thankful
  • Permit – Allow to do something
  • Furious – Extremely angry
  • Bespattered – To splash all over, as with dirty water

Question 1: Who come to the water’s brink?

Answer: A blue-headed lizard came to the water’s brink.

Question 2: What happened when the lizard approach to the pool?

Answer: When the lizard approached to the pool, Rajah Bhoje stopped him and said, ‘Stay, Brother! There is tribute to pay to the honourable owner of this water.

Question 3: What did Rajah Bhoje ask the lizard to do?

Answer: Rajah Bhoje asked the lizard to pay tribute to him before drinking water from the pool.

Question 4: What did the lizard request Rajah Bhoje?

Answer: The lizard requested Rajah Bhoje to allow him to drink water first and then he would pay him the tribute.

Question 5: What reason did Rajah Bhoje give for not allowing him to drink water from the pool?

Answer: Rajah bhoje said the lizard that the animals and birds are respectful yet they salute him before drinking water from the pool and he is just a lizard, how could he allow him?

Rajah Bhoje Part – II Questions & Answers

Question 6: How much water did the lizard drink from the pool?

Answer: The lizard drank and drank until he had fully satisfied his thirst.

Question 7: In what way did the lizard pay tribute to Rajah Bhoje?

Answer: The lizard paid tribute to Rajah Bhoje by saying the following words: ‘On a stone bespattered with mud, A dirty old shoe on his ear, Sits a wicked jackal Who calls himself Rajah Bhoje.’

Question 8: Read and answer the questions:
 ‘O Jackal, I am too thirsty.

(a) Who said the above statement and to whom?

Answer: The lizard said the above statement to the jackal named ‘Rajah Bhoje’.

(b) Why did the jackal not allow the lizard to drink water from the pool at first?

Answer: The jackal stated that all the animals and birds are respectful still they bow down before him and he is just a lizard, then why should he forgive him?

(c) Why did the jackal allow him to drink?

Answer: The jackal found the lizard to be really weak and felt it is useless to argue with him. Thus, he allowed him to drink water.

(d) How much water did the lizard drink?

Answer: The lizard drank and drank, until he had fully quenched his thirst.

Question 9: Read and answer the questions:
‘Stay, Brother! There is tribute to pay to the honourable owner of this water.

(a) Who come to the water’s brink?

Answer: A blue-headed lizard came to the water’s brink.

(b) Who is the speaker of the above statement and whom is he addressing?

Answer: The jackal is the speaker of the above statement and he is addressing to the lizard.

(c) What did Rajah Bhoje say the lizard as he was stooping to drink?

Answer: While the lizard was stooping to drink water from the pool, Rajah Bhoje stopped him and said, ‘Stay, Brother! There is tribute to pay to the honourable owner of this water.

(d) What did he ask the lizard to do before he could drink water from the pool?

Answer: He asked the lizard to pay him the tribute before he could drink water from the pool.

Rajah Bhoje Part – II Questions & Answers

Question 10: Read and answer the questions:
 ‘Stop! Stop! Enough!’ shouted Rajah Bhoje.

(a) Why did Rajah Bhoje shout at the lizard?

Answer: Rajah Bhoje shouted at the lizard as he did not stop after having one sip and continued drinking water from the pool.

(b) Why did Rajah Bhoje feel it is useless to argue with the lizard?

Answer: The lizard looked exhausted and weak and Rajah Bhoje felt it is useless to argue with him. Thus, he allowed him to drink water.

(c) Did the lizard pay tribute to Rajah Bhoje?

Answer: Yes, the lizard did pay tribute to Rajah Bhoje.

(d) In what way did the lizard pay tribute to Rajah Bhoje?

Answer: The lizard pretended to show respect to Rajah Bhoje and said the following words: ‘On a stone bespattered with mud, A dirty old shoe on his ear, Sits a wicked jackal Who calls himself Rajah Bhoje.

Question 11: Read and answer the questions:
“His skin was shrivelled for want of moisture.”

(a) How badly did the lizard want to drink water?

Answer: The lizard could hardly raise his head while talking to the jackal. He did not have the strength to do so. He was requesting again and again to allow him to drink water. His skin was dried up. This shows that the lizard badly needed water to drink.

(b) Do you think Rajah Bhoje was merciful?

Answer: Rajah bhoje harassed the animals and birds of the jungle and did not allow them to drink water from the pool. He was greedy for respect for which he forced them to pay tribute. This shows that he was not merciful.

(c) Did the lizard pay the tribute as per the demand of the jackal? If no, why?

Answer: No, the lizard did not pay the tribute as demanded by the jackal. It was different from what the jackal had asked. The reason for not doing it as per the wish of the jackal is that he did not find him worthy of the respect.

(d) Explain in your words: What would you do if you were in the place of the lizard?

Answer: If I would be in the place of the lizard, I would do the same as the lizard did. The jackal was not worthy of any respect as he harassed the animals and birds of the jungle. He did not deserve to be respected.

So, these were Rajah Bhoje Part – II Questions & Answers.

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