A Chimp’s True Friend Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share A Chimp’s True Friend Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Kites, Three Friendly Farmers and Deep Blue Sea so, you can check these posts as well.

A Chimp’s True Friend Questions & Answers

Question 1: Fill in the blanks:

1. Five-year-old Jane already loved animals, big or small.
2. Dr Louis Leakey was looking for someone to watch and learn about chimpanzees in Africa.
3. Jane moved to Gombe, a national park in Tanzania.
4. David Greybeard was an older chimp who first came and took bananas from Jane’s hands.
5. Jane learned that chimpanzees were very intelligent animals.

Question 2: Read the lines and answer the questions:

She started to live deep inside the forest.

(a) Who is she?

Answer: She is Jane.

(b) Which forest did she live in?

Answer: She lived in Gombe, a national park in Tanzania.

(c) Why did she live in the forest?

Answer: She lived in the forest to know more about chimpanzees.

Question 3: Read the lines and answer the questions:

But Jane realised that her dear friends were in danger.

(a) Who were Jane’s friends?

Answer: Jane’s friends were chimpanzees, in Gombe, a national park in Tanzania.

(b) What danger were they in?

Answer: The danger they were in was that people were cutting down forests in Africa and the chimps were losing their homes. People also hunted chimps or sold them to circuses.

(c) What did Jane do to help her friends?

Answer: Jane travelled all over the world asking for help. People listened to her and helped her protect the chimps in Gombe.

Question 4: What did Jane learn about chimpanzees?

Answer: She learned that chimpanzees were very intelligent animals. Just like people, they could feel happy, angry or sad. They even tickled one another for fun. They had families and were loving mothers to their babies. She also noticed that chimps used objects to find food. She saw that David used a stick to dig for termites, a type of insect, and ate them.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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