A Gift For Grandfather Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share A Gift For Grandfather Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of My Bed Is A Boat, The Lost Pumpkin – 1 and The Lost Pumpkin – 2 so, you can check these posts as well.

A Gift For Grandfather Questions & Answers

Question 1: Complete the sentences:

1. Every morning, Grandfather called the villagers for morning prayers.
2. Bakru decided to take a gift for Grandfather.
3. The finest muncang nuts grew on Nut Hill.
4. Bakru was scared that the boys from the village would be angry and would take the nuts away from him.
5. The boys were disappointed because there was not a single nut left.

Question 2: Read these sentences and answer the questions.

They looked at the ground, puzzled. “We’ve come too late!” cried one disappointed boy.

(a) Who were ‘they’ and why were they puzzled?

Answer: ‘They’ were the boys from Bakru’s village who came to collect nuts from the Nut Hill. They were puzzled to see that there was not a single nut left on the Nut Hill.

(b) What were they ‘too late’ for?

Answer: They were too late for collecting muncang nuts.

(c) What was the reason that they couldn’t find what they wanted?

Answer: They couldn’t found what they wanted because Bakru had already gathered all the nuts as he came early in the morning on the Nut Hill.

Question 3: Why did Bakru think that Grandfather might have been sick?

Answer: Bakru thought that Grandfather might have been sick because there was no sound of his call from the mosque for the morning prayers.

Question 4: What gift did he decide to take for Grandfather?

Answer: He decided to take muncang nuts for his Grandfather as a gift.

Question 5: What did Bakru think Grandfather would like to do with the gift?

Answer: Bakru thought that Grandfather could use the hard shell of the nuts for carving his famous rings which could then be sold for fifty rupiahs each.

Question 6: Why did Bakru hide when he heard the boys walking towards Nut Hill?

Answer: Bakru hid when he heard the boys walking towards Nut Hill because he thought that if the boys found out that he had gathered all the nuts, they would be angry and would take away the nuts from him.

Question 7: What did Bakru overhear the eldest boy say to the other boys?

Answer: Bakru overheard the eldest boy saying to the other boys that it was unfair to take Bakru’s nuts. He was there before them while they were snugly asleep. If they wanted to gather nuts, they should have got up early.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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