A Voyage From London To Bombay Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share A Voyage From London To Bombay Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Sympathy, The Pied Piper of Hamelin and From A Railway Carriage so, you can check these posts as well.

A Voyage From London To Bombay Questions & Answers

Question 1: How had Bina travelled to Mumbai?

Answer: Bina had travelled to Mumbai by plane.

Question 2: What did Bina’s father tell her she had missed?

Answer: Bina’s father told his daughter that she had missed the delights of a leisurely voyage.

Question 3: Why was Tilbury a good place to board the steamer?

Answer: Tilbury was a good place for boarding steamer because the river Thames was at its deepest there and big ships can sail right into the harbour.

Question 4: How did Bina spend her time on board the ship?

Answer: Bina spent her time on the ship while being watched over by a kind lady in the nursery, who taught rhymes and songs to her and other children on board.

Question 5: Where did the steamer sail into rough weather?

Answer: The steamer sailed into rough weather as it rounded the coast of France and entered the Bay of Biscay.

Question 6: Where did the ship’s passenger see a fort?

Answer: The ship’s passengers saw a fort at the narrow straits of Gibraltar.

Question 7: What do sailors offer in the church of Marseilles?

Answer: The sailors offer models of ships in the church of Marseilles.

Question 8: Why was Bina frightened of Mount Vesuvius?

Answer: Bina was frightened of Mount Vesuvius because thick smoke was rising from it.

Question 9: How has the Suez Canal made the voyage from England to India much easier than it was many years ago?

Answer: The Suez Canal has made the voyage from England to India much shorter than it was many years ago when ships had to sail all the way around Africa to reach India.

Question 10: How long did the voyage from London to Bombay take?

Answer: The voyage from London to Bombay took twenty one days.

Question 11: What did the ship’s passenger see as they sailed into Bombay?

Answer: The passengers saw the Gateway of India as they sailed into Bombay.

Question 12: What arrangements were there on board the ship for the comfort and convenience of the passengers?

Answer: On board the ship, there was a sickroom with a doctor and nurse in attendance. There were dance halls, shops, swimming pool and a nursery which was watched over by a kind lady who taught rhymes and songs to children on board.

Question 13: Write three lines about the Suez Canal

Answer: The Suez Canal was built by Ferdinand de Lesseps was first used in 1869. With its construction the voyage from Europe to India is much shorter as ships don’t have to sail all around Africa. Port Said is at the northern end of the Suez Canal.

So, these were A Voyage From London To Bombay Questions & Answers.

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