Abraham Lincoln Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Abraham Lincoln Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Living With Beeji, Heal The World and The Canterville Ghost so, you can check these posts as well.

Abraham Lincoln Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Abraham’s father was a:

(a) cobbler
(b) carpenter
(c) driver

2. At the age of four, Abraham caught a fish and:

(a) ate it.
(b) threw it back.
(c) gave it to a soldier.

3. At a forest near Pigeon Creek, they had to immediately build a shelter because of approaching:

(a) summers
(b) frost
(c) rains

4. His _________ was responsible for encouraging Abraham to study.

(a) sister
(b) stepmother
(c) mother

5. Abraham never joined his classmates in:

(a) eating
(b) studying
(c) hunting

Question 2: Fill in the blanks:

1. Abraham Lincoln ranks among the top three Presidents of the US.
2. The hungry soldier saw the generosity of the small child.
3. Abraham’s father could neither read nor write.
4. Abraham learned easily how to wield the axe.
5. Hunting was the one sport in which Abraham never joined his mates.

Question 3: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of the United States – True
2. Slavery was the practice of employing people from African countries as labourers – True
3. Thomas Lincoln moved to Pigeon Creek when Abraham was seven years old – True
4. Abraham was very fond of hunting – False

Question 4: Why does Lincoln rank among the top three Presidents the US has ever had?

Answer: Abraham Lincoln ranks among the top three presidents the US has ever had because in this short time in office, Lincoln did more to build the American nation than any other president before or after him. The foundation for true equality between all American citizens was laid by the firm convictions and actions of Lincoln.

Question 5: What did Abraham Lincoln try to abolish?

Answer: Abraham Lincoln tried to abolish slavery – the practice of employing people from African countries as labour in the fields and homes of white American settlers.

Question 6: Who was Lincoln’s father? What was his profession?

Answer: Abraham’s father, Thomas Lincoln, was a wandering labourer who had learnt carpentry.

Question 7: Where did Lincoln stay as a child?

Answer: As a child, Lincoln stayed at a farm in Knob Creek.

Question 8: How did Lincoln gain in strength?

Answer: Lincoln gained in strength by learning to climb, run swiftly, leap over long distances, and to carry heavy branches home for firewood.

Question 9: When was his first brush with education?

Answer: His first brush with education was through a tutor named Zachariah Riney.

Question 10: How was Abraham exceptional in his desire to learn?

Answer: Abraham was exceptional in his desire to learn because every spared moment was spent in some kind of study. He had a copy book that served as a kind of scrapbook of all the passages he had read and liked.

Question 11: What did Abraham do when boys of his age hunted wild creatures?

Answer: Abraham spent his time in reading and learning when boys of his age hunted wild creatures.

So, these were Abraham Lincoln Questions & Answers.

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