Aina kizz and Black Bearded Bai Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Aina kizz and Black Bearded Bai Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of No Such Thing, The King’s Palace and The Kakas of New Zealand so, you can check these posts as well.

Aina kizz and Black Bearded Bai Questions & Answers

Question 1: Pick out words, phrases and lines from the story to show that Aina-kizz and her father were poor.

Answer: The words, phrases and lines from the story that show that Aina-kizz and her father were poor are:

  • Woodcutter
  • Tumbledown shack.
  • A gap toothed axe was the only tool they owned.
  • A lame horse and mule were their only transport.

Question 2: How did the bai cheat the woodcutter?

Answer: The bai cheated the poor woodcutter by trapping him in his plan. After he bought the logs from the woodcutter, he told the poor man to follow him. When they came to the bai’s house, the woodcutter went to unpack the logs from the horse’s back. At that time, the bai shouted on him by saying that I bought the wood exactly as it was – which means the horse also belongs to me since it is carrying the wood.

Question 3: Choose the correct option:

The judge decided in favour of the bai because

(a) he did not like the woodcutter.
(b) he knew that the bai was rich and powerful.
(c) he was a bad judge.

Answer: (b) he knew that the bai was rich and powerful.

Question 4: Read the lines and answer the questions:

‘Never mind, Father, tomorrow I’ll go to the market’, she said. ‘Who knows, I may be luckier than you’.

(a) Why does Aina-kizz say ‘never mind’?

Answer: Aina-kizz says ‘never mind’ to her father to relieve him as he was feeling very tired after a long day and was worried about the horse.

(b) Was she luckier than her father?

Answer: Yes, she was luckier than her father when she went to the market the next day.

(c) What does this tell us about her?

Answer: This tells us how much she cares for her father and wants to help him.

Aina kizz and Black Bearded Bai Questions & Answers

Question 5: Read the lines and answer the questions:

‘You outwitted me this time, but a sparrow cannot match a hawk’.

(a) Who said these word to whom?

Answer: The bai said these words to Aina-kizz.

(b) How was the speaker outwitted?

Answer: The speaker was outwitted by Aina-kizz. She used her intelligence to defeat the cunning bai.

(c) Whom do ‘sparrow’ and ‘hawk’ refer to?

Answer: Sparrow here refers to ‘Aina-kizz’ and hawk to ‘the bai’.

Question 6: What was the bet between Aina-kizz and the bai?

Answer: The bet between Aina-kizz and the bai was that who would be able to tell a bigger lie than the other in front of the judge.

Question 7: Describe the tale that the bai told them about ears of corn and goats. Do you think it is believable? Did the judge and Aina-kizz react to it in the same manner?

Answer: The bai started his tale by telling them that when he wasn’t born, he found three ears of corn and tossed them through the window. Next morning, his yard had become a field of corn so tall that it took riders ten days to find a way. Then, his forty goats were lost in the corn and he was not able to find them. When the corn ripened, his labourers gathered the harvest in and the flour was ground. Rolls were baked and he ate one, all fresh and hot. After that, out of his mouth leaped one goat followed by second and a third and so on.

The tale is not at all believable. No, Aina-kizz and the judge reacted differently after listening to the bai’s tale. Whereas the judge sat open mouthed, Aina-kizz did not turn a hair.

Question 8: Choose the correct option:

Aina-kizz narrated the story about her brother and the silk robe because

(a) she wanted to find the villain who had killed her brother.
(b) she really did have a brother.
(c) she wanted to win the bet and trap the wicked bai.

Answer: (c) she wanted to win the bet and trap the wicked bai.

Question 9: Read the lines and answer the questions:

On hearing the words, the smiles disappeared from the two men’s faces. What was the judge to do?

(a) Why was the judge in a dilemma?

Answer: The judge wanted to help the rich and powerful bai. But Aina-kizz’s story was far better than the bai’s story. If the judge said that the girl’s story was a greater lie, the bai would lose the bet. But if he said it was not a lie, the bai would have to pay compensation for her brother’s death as well as the price of forty camels. This was his dilemma.

(b) How did the bai react to the words?

Answer: The bai roared like a wounded bull. He knew that he had been trapped by the girl. So, he shouted that it was the biggest lie that he had ever heard and asked Aina-kizz to take the money and his robe and leave him in peace.

(c) Who benefitted from the lie?

Answer: Aina-kizz benefitted from the lie.

So, these were Aina kizz and Black Bearded Bai Questions & Answers.

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