Hi Everyone!! This article will share An Ode To The Rain Questions & Answers.
In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Little Princess, Ode To Autumn and My Big Brother so, you can check these posts as well.
An Ode To The Rain Questions & Answers
Question 1: Where is the poet and to whom is he speaking?
Answer: The poet is in his house speaking to the rain.
Question 2: How is he feeling? Which lines tell us that he is unwell, and which ones tell us that he is tired?
Answer: The poet is feeling drowsy. The line ‘Though sick and sore for want of sleep’ and ‘for breaking thus my needful rest’ tell that the poet was unwell and tired.
Question 3: What are the ‘twofold’ sounds?
Answer: The twofold sounds are the clash hard by, and the murmur all around.
Question 4: What deal or promise does the poet put forward in the second stanza?
Answer: In the second stanza, the poet puts forth the deal that the rain should go away when it is light and may come again the next day, though bringing pain and sorrow, but he would only speak well.
Question 5: In part III of the poem, the poet says that he could write a book ‘showing how very good you are’ but he does not give any examples. What good things are provided by the rain?
Answer: The rain is good in many ways. It freshens the air, cools off a hot day, is the best noise to fall asleep to, and makes everything look nice and lovely.
Question 6: Which lines show that the friends have been apart while and are now together?
Answer: ‘After long absence now first met’ are the lines that tell the friends have been apart for a while.
Question 7: What do the three friends want? Why?
Answer: The three friends want to be alone because they have a lot to talk about and many sad things to let out.
Question 8: In what way are the friends similar to the rain?
Answer: The friends are similar to rain as they have come uninvited to remain and disturb his restful sleep.
Question 9: Read these lines from the poem, then answer the questions.
For days and months, and almost years,
Have limped on through this vale of tears,
(a) Who/what is being referred to here?
Answer: Days and months are being referred to here.
(b) What impression does the metaphor, of limping ‘through a vale of tears’ create?
Answer: It gives the impression that the days and months have been moving at a slow pace as one goes through a valley of tears.
(c) What details in this section of the poem make it seem as if the poet doesn’t usually mind the rain?
Answer: ‘since body of mine and rainy weather have lived on easy terms together.’
Question 10: In this poem the poet has had his sleep disturbed by the rain. He is concerned that the rain might prevent his visitors from leaving. He desperately wants his peace back, but does not mind if the rain falls when the visitors have gone.
(a) Write the rhyme scheme of the poem.
Answer: Rhyme scheme of the poem is aabbcdcd.
(b) What do you notice about the use of rhyming couplets?
Answer: The use of rhyming couplet gives a musical effect to the poem and emphasizes that the poet wanted the rain to go away.
(c) Where are there disruptions to the pattern? Copy out the lines and discuss them. Does the disruption to the rhyme scheme reflect a disruption ¡n the poet’s lines or feelings?
Answer: Do go, dear rain do go away. The word do has created a disruption. This shows that the poet really wanted the rain to go away.
So, these were An Ode To The Rain Questions & Answers.