Hi Everyone!! This article will share Aqua The Water Drop Questions & Answers.
In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Eklavya and Dronacharya, The Recycling Rap and Who Will Be Ningthou so, you can check these posts as well.
Aqua The Water Drop Questions & Answers
Question 1: What was Aqua? What was he tired of?
Answer: Aqua was a merry little water drop. He was tired of jumping about.
Question 2: What do you understand by ‘vapour’?
Answer: Vapour is a gaseous form of a substance which is a liquid or solid at room temperature. It is formed due to evaporation of water due to heat.
Question 3: What is called ‘fog’?
Answer: Fog is a thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth’s surface which obscures or restricts visibility.
Question 4: When did Aqua try to get back to the earth again? Why?
Answer: Aqua tried to get back to the Earth again when he was very frightened. This is because it was sun set time and for every minute, it grew darker and colder.
Question 5: What request did Aqua make to the King Sun?
Answer: Aqua requested the King Sun to take him with him again.
Question 6: How did Aqua and other tiny little water-drops help on a flour-mill?
Answer: Aqua and other tiny little water-drops helped on a flour-mill by moving it. They all sprang it and turned it round and round.
Question 7: What place did Aqua like so much?
Answer: Aqua liked the pond where the stream emptied because it was a still, beautiful and peaceful place with lotus flowers lifting their heads above the water. It also has the yellow cow lilies with their leaves like green plates, floating on the top.
Question 8: What new and strange things did Aqua see before going to the mother Ocean?
Answer: Aqua saw how the sky becomes darker. Some places were very beautiful to stay there while he felt frightened when the wind blew it fast then, he needed some care and love. He enjoyed a lot at the pond as it was a peaceful and beautiful place.
Question 9: What does Aqua’s journey from the sea to the rose bud tell you about the Sun?
Answer: Aqua’s journey from the sea to the rose bud tells us that the sun is very generous, had pity on Aqua and took him on a journey to see earth. The Sun is also caring as he took many other water droplets on the journey so that Aqua doesn’t feel lonely. Moreover, the Sun tried to help Aqua.
Question 10: ‘Unity is strength’. Comment on the statement with reference to the story.
Answer: ‘Unity is strength’ because various impossible things can be done if we are united. In this story, we saw that hundreds and thousands of tiny water droplets joined together and sprang on the flour-mill to turn it round and round. The flour mill was giant to turn and it was not possible for the single water droplet to move it but it became possible with unity.
Question 11: Fill in the blanks:
1. Very soon the happy water-drop got tired of jumping about.
2. Poor little Aqua could not help being frightened.
3. Sunbeams caught him up a second time.
4. The wind took pity on him.
5. The stream emptied into a quiet pond.
6. His brother floated out over a waterfall.
7. A vessel loaded with wood was carried just as easily as if it had been a paper boat.
8. Aqua and his brother water-drops telling each other about their wonderful journey around the world.
So, these were Aqua The Water Drop Questions & Answers.