Archimedes The Scientific Detective Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Archimedes The Scientific Detective Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Fortune and The Beggar and A Voyage From London To Bombay so, you can check these posts as well.

Archimedes The Scientific Detective Questions & Answers

Question 1: When and where was Archimedes born?

Answer: Archimedes was born in the year 287 BC at Syracuse.

Question 2: Which was the most important city of ancient Sicily?

Answer: Syracuse was the most important city of ancient Sicily.

Question 3: Where was Archimedes educated?

Answer: Archimedes studied at the royal school of Alexandria in Egypt.

Question 4: What subjects were taught at the royal school of Alexandria?

Answer: Mathematics and physics were taught at the royal school of Alexandria.

Question 5: How did Hiero II celebrate his victories?

Answer: Hiero II celebrated most of his victories on the battlefield by making offerings to one or the other of his gods. For example – After one victory, he built a temple and after another, he erected a public altar.

Question 6: What did the king intend to present to the temple of the immortal gods?

Answer: The king intended to present a gold crown to the temple of the immortal gods.

Question 7: Why did the king become suspicious?

Answer: The king heard that the goldsmith had not used all the gold to make the crown. He had kept some of it and replaced it with silver and so, the king became suspicious.

Question 8: What did the king want Archimedes to do?

Answer: The king want Archimedes to find out whether the crown was made entirely of gold or not.

Question 9: What did Archimedes do in his excitement?

Answer: Archimedes was so excited by his new discovery that he jumped out of the tub. He forgot that he was not wearing anything. He ran home through the streets, shouting many times with joy, ‘Eureka! Eureka!’—a Greek word which means, ‘I have found it’.

Question 10: What difficulty did Archimedes face?

Answer: The difficulty which Archimedes faced was that he did not know how to measure the volume of a shape such as that of the crown.

Question 11: Was the crown made up of pure gold? How did Archimedes find out the truth?

Answer: No, the crown was not made up of pure gold.

First of all, Archimedes weighed the crown carefully. Then, he obtained a lump of pure gold and a lump of pure silver of same weight as the crown. He then filled a vessel to the brim with water and carefully lowered the lump of gold into it. Some of the water flowed out and he measured how much it was. This volume of water, he reasoned, was the same as the volume of the lump of gold.

Archimedes repeated this experiment, using the lump of silver instead of the lump of gold. He found that this time the volume of water which flowed out was greater than when the gold had been used. He then lowered the crown into the vessel full of water and found its volume in the same way. This volume was greater than that of the gold but less than that of the silver. It was clear to Archimedes, therefore, that the crown was not pure gold.

So, these were Archimedes The Scientific Detective Questions & Answers.

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