Birbal and The Cooking Pot Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Birbal and The Cooking Pot Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Nice Words To Say, Mr Toad Goes For A Ride and The Zebra’s Pyjamas so, you can check these posts as well.

Birbal and The Cooking Pot Questions & Answers

Question 1: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. BirbaI told Akbar that no ordinary man could survive the cold of the river – True
2. The washerman’s wife encouraged him to spend the night in the river – False
3. A courtier told Akbar that the river was not really cold – True
4. Birbal convinced the emperor to give the washerman his reward – True

Question 2: What did Akbar want to test?

Answer: Akbar wanted to test the strength of the common man in his kingdom. He wanted to find out if any man could stand in the cold water of the river for one whole night.

Question 3: What did the drummer announce to the people?

Answer: The drummer announced to the people that anyone who could stand in the cold of the river near the palace for one whole night would be richly rewarded.

Question 4: Who won the test set by Akbar?

Answer: The poor washerman won the test set by Akbar.

Question 5: Why did Akbar not reward the man at first?

Answer: At first, Akbar did not reward the man because one of his courtiers had convinced Akbar that the water of the river was not that cold. The lights from the palace kept it warm so it was easy for the washerman to stand in it all the night.

Question 6: What Birbal do to make Akbar realize his mistake?

Answer: To make Akbar realize his mistake, Birbal placed a cooking pot on a high branch of a tree and lit the fire under the tree. He told Akbar that as the lights of the palace warmed the river water from such a distance, his pot would also be warmed by the fire on the ground.

Question 7: Who said to whom?

1. “No ordinary man could survive this cold.”

Answer: Birbal said this to Akbar.

2. “Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to me”.

Answer: Washerman said this to his wife.

3. “The minister is in his house”.

Answer: The messenger said this to Akbar.

4. “How can this fire warm your cooking pot?”

Answer: Akbar asked Birbal.

5. “Come take your reward.”

Answer: Akbar said this to washerman.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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