Birds In My Garden Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Birds In My Garden Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Shakuntala, The Last Journey of The Pandavas and A Lesson of Manners so, you can check these posts as well.

Birds In My Garden Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. The author has a beautiful ____________ around his house.

(a) ground
(b) lawn
(c) garden
(d) park

2. Many birds and small animals __________ visit it.

(a) sometimes
(b) never
(c) frequently
(d) always

3. After returning from ____________ he watches the birds.

(a) hospital
(b) school
(c) library
(d) temple

4. Some people keep ______________ in cages.

(a) rats
(b) birds
(c) rabbits
(d) lions

Question 2: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. Constructions are not affecting the habitats of birds – False
2. Birds sing, dance and display their beautiful colours – True
3. We should follow the principle ‘Live and Let Live’– True
4. It is not good to keep birds in cages – True

Question 3: Fill in the blanks:

1. Every morning the author is by the song of the cuckoo.
2. He sits on the balcony and watches different birds.
3. The humming bird is very beautiful and tiny.
4. A partridge is normally a shy bird.
5. Birds feel the happiest when they have freedom to move.

Question 4: Match the columns:

Column AColumn B
1. The garden has(a) perch on the trees.
2. Many birds and animals(b) the birds with breadcrumbs.
3. Beautiful and colourful birds(c) visit the author’s garden.
4. The author feeds(d) refuge in the author’s garden.
5. The partridge had taken(e) plants and grass.
Answer: 1-e, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d

Question 5: What does the garden have?

Answer: The garden has soft and green plants and fruit trees along with many birds and small animals.

Question 6: What awakens the writer in the morning?

Answer: The sweet song of the cuckoo awakens the writer in the morning.

Question 7: What does he see perched on the trees?

Answer: He saw various beautiful and colourful birds perched on the trees.

Question 8: What was sunning itself on the soft grass?

Answer: The plump partridge was sunning itself on the soft grass.

Question 9: What does the author do after returning from school everyday?

Answer: The author sits on the balcony and see various beautiful and colourful birds perch on the tree after returning from the school.

Question 10: What does the author feed to the birds?

Answer: The author feeds breadcrumbs to the birds.

Question 11: Why did the partridge come to take refuge in the author’s garden?

Answer: The partridge was affected by the area so it came to take refuge in the author’s garden.

Question 12: What is a punishable offence?

Answer: It is a punishable offence to keep birds in captivity.

Question 13: Why do the birds come to the author’s garden?

Answer: The birds come to take rest, sing or in search of food in the author’s garden.

Question 14: Name some of the birds which are seen in the author’s garden.

Answer: In his garden, the author spotted beautiful orioles, spotted doves, pigeons, mynahs, woodpeckers, fantailed flycatchers, humming bird, plump partridge or chirpy sparrows.

Question 15: How can we follow the principle ‘Live and Let Live’?

Answer: We can follow the ‘Live and Let Live’ principle by setting the birds and animals free. They must not be kept in captivity. They will fly free and appear more beautiful when they live and move freely in nature.

So, these were Birds In My Garden Questions & Answers.

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