Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Class 12 Physical Education Management of Sporting Events – Part 1 and Management of Sporting Events – Part 2 so, you can check these posts as well.

Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Minimum duration of activity should be __________ per week at vigorous intensity in adults above 65 years of age.

(a) 75 minutes
(b) 150 minutes
(c) 300 minutes
(d) 450 minutes

2. Rate at which the activity is being performed is known as _________.

(a) Volume
(b) Intensity
(c) Type of Activity
(d) Frequency

Question 2: Write down Physical activities/exercise guideline for under 5 of age.

Answer: The following guidelines are recommended for healthy children aged under 5 years, irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, cultural background, and the socio-economic status of the family.

AgeSedentary BehaviourPhysical ActivitySleep  
Less than one yearNot be restrained for more than 1 hour at a time. Encourage reading and storytelling when sedentary. Screen time is not recommended.Physically active several times a day through interactive floor-based play including 30 minutes of tummy time.14-17 hours (0-3 months of age), 12-16 hours (4-11 months of age) of good quality sleep, including naps.  
1-2 yearsNot restrained for more than 1 hour at a time or sit for extended periods of time. No screen time for 1-year-olds. For 2 years, sedentary screen time should be not more than 1 hour. Encourage reading and storytelling.At least 180 minutes in a variety of types of physical activities including moderate-to vigorous intensity physical activity, Spread throughout the day.  11-14 hours of good quality sleep, including naps, with regular sleep and wake-up times.    
3-4 yearsNot restrained for more than 1 hour at a time or sit for extended periods of time. Sedentary screen time should be no more than 1 hour; less is better. Encourage reading and storytelling.At least 180 minutes in a variety of types of physical activities at any intensity, of which at least 60 minutes is moderate to vigorous intensity physical  activity, spread throughout the day.  10-13 hours of good quality sleep, which may include a nap, with regular sleep and wake-up times.    

Question 3: Briefly write about physical activities/exercises guidelines for adults above 65 of age.

Answer: The following guidelines are recommended for healthy older adults aged above 65 years, irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity or socio-economic status.

IntensityModerate to vigorous
Types of activitiesMuscular strengthening (strength) and Aerobic physical activities and Balance-enhancing exercises.
Aerobic activities150 to 300 minutes per week with moderate intensity or 75 to 150 minutes per week with vigorous intensity; One aerobic activity bout should be at least 10 minutes.
Muscle strengthening activitiesActivities involving major muscles involved activity, two or more days in a week.
Balance enhancing activitiesOlder adults, with poor mobility, should perform physical activity to enhance balance and prevent falls on 3 or more days per week.
BenefitsRegular physical activity helps to lower the risk of all causes of mortality, (For example, heart disease, blood pressure, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, colon and breast cancers and depression) hip or vertebral fractures, and to develop higher level of cardiorespiratory muscular fitness and maintain healthy weight with healthy body composition and bone health. It lowers the risk of Non-Communicable Diseases, depression and cognitive decline.
ActivitiesPhysical activities (walking jogging, swimming, weight training, dancing etc.), occupational work, household work (car wash, gardening, etc.) Games, Sports, recreation, transportation (walking, cycling), planned exercises with or within family and community.

Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports Questions & Answers

Question 4: Choose the correct option:

1. Deformity of the legs is known as

(a) Scoliosis
(b) Lordosis
(c) Knock knees
(d) Kyphosis

2. Lordosis is a problem of the

(a) Lower Back
(b) Middle Back
(c) Upper Back
(d) Shoulders

3. Scoliosis is a postural deformity related to

(a) Muscles
(b) Shoulders
(c) Legs
(d) Spine

4. Kyphosis is a deformity found in

(a) Shoulders
(b) Lumber region
(c) Hips
(d) Thoracic region

Question 5: What is meant by Round Shoulders? Mention a few exercises to correct it.

Answer: Round shoulders is a postural deformity in which shoulders are bent forward from the ideal alignment, thereby giving a narrow curve to upper back. It leads to postural deviations such as hyperkyphosis, or hunch back and anterior head carriage, or forward head posture.

Corrective Measures

To correct rounded shoulders, it is important to do strengthening and stretching of muscles and trying to correct the imbalance of muscles by doing chest stretches, T stretch, wall stretch, Handclasp stretch and planks, pull ups, reverse shoulder stretch, etc. Yoga asanas like Chakrasana and Dhanurasana can be useful in correcting rounded shoulders.

Question 6: What is the Lordosis? Write in brief.

Answer: Lordosis is a spinal deformity in which the angle of arc of the lower back is reduced. This leads to an increase and exaggeration of normal concavity of the lumber region of the spine. It is also known as sway back.

The term Lordosis comes from the Greek lordos which means bent backward. The spine curves a little in the neck, upper back, and lower back. These curves, which create the spine’s S shape, are called the kyphotic (upper back) and lordotic (neck and lower back).


Lordosis is often caused by obesity, improper development of muscles, muscular or skeletal disease or accident, poor posture while standing, sitting and walking, malnutrition, etc.

Corrective Measures

  • Weight loss to help posture, and daily physical therapy to strengthen muscles and range of motion prove quite helpful.
  • Exercises to develop strength in the pelvic region like sit-ups, sitting against the wall and pushing the trunk backward and lying on the back and raising upper extremities and legs together will give significant benefits.
  • Yoga asanas including Dhanurasana and Halasana will be helpful.
  • Use of braces, weight reduction, maintaining a good posture and taking a balanced diet are helpful in reducing the problem.

Question 7: Write in brief the causes and symptoms of Knock Knees.

Answer: Causes:

Knock knees can develop due to an injury or infection in the knee or leg, rickets, severe lack of vitamin D and calcium, obesity, or arthritis in the knee.


Misaligned knees, stiff joints, knee pain and walking with a limp. Stressed ligaments and muscles can also cause pain in the hips, ankles, or feet. If only one knee is out of line, the stance may be unbalanced.

Question 8: Explain corrective measures for Flatfoot.

Answer: Corrective measures for Flatfoot are:

  • Exercises like walking, standing or jumping on toes and heels in all four directions, skipping rope, strengthens the muscles of foot which help to develop the arch in the foot.
  • Activities like picking up marbles with toes, writing numbers in the sand with the toes will also help in developing the arch.
  • Yoga asanas like Adhomukhsavasana performed in Surya Namaskar, Vajrasana and other therapeutic massages are also helpful in developing the arch.

So, these were Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports Questions & Answers.

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