Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports Questions & Answers – Part 2

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports Questions & Answers – Part 2.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports – Part 1 and Class 12 Physical Education Management of Sporting Events – Part 2 so, you can check these posts as well.

Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports Questions & Answers – Part 2

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Sports is an important tool for social empowerment for women as it develops the following:

(a) Aggression
(b) Isolation
(c) Stress
(d) Leadership

2. Psychological benefits of women participation in sports includes:

(a) Cooperation
(b) Emotion Control
(c) Physical Fitness
(d) Communication

Question 2: Write a short note on physical benefits for women participating in sports.

Answer: Physical benefits for women participating in sports are:

1. Obesity

Obesity is one lifestyle disease that women has more chances of having than men. Regular participation in sports helps them to stay in shape and stay fit.

2. Bone Density

There is a higher chance of osteoporosis in female than males. Sports help them to increase their bone density and have stronger bones.

3. Lifestyle Diseases

Participation in sports helps women to stay active which, in turn, reduces chances of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity etc. and enables them to live a healthy life.

4. Cardiovascular System

Regular exercise helps increase the number of capillaries, helping them in the intake of oxygen. This enables women to participate in sports for a longer period without getting fatigued.

5. Toned Muscles

Regular exercise and participation in sports increases the muscle tone of women which helps them to stay strong.

Question 3: How does participation in sports help women in stress management and building self-esteem?


Stress Management

Any physical activity releases lot of hormones in our body which helps us to stay happy and reduces stress levels. Women who participate in sports can manage their stress better than those who don’t participate in the sports.


Sports helps women to realise their self-worth and when they achieve or even participate in sports, they get a boost in their self-image and that helps them to realise their own worth, which is very important for an individual.

Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports Questions & Answers – Part 2

Question 4: Choose the correct option:

1. Frequent menstruation is known as:

(a) Metrorrhagia
(b) Oligomenorrhea
(c) Polymenorrhea
(d) Menorrhagia

2. If the menstruation cycle does not begin at puberty, the condition is called

(a) Primary amenorrhea
(b) Secondary amenorrhea
(c) Oligomenorrhea
(d) Dysmenorrhea

Question 5: What is menstrual dysfunction? Write in brief.

Answer: Menstrual dysfunction is an abnormal condition in a woman’s menstrual cycle. Normal range of the menstruation cycle is 21 to 35 days. If it happens earlier than 21 days or after more than 35 days, then it’s a problem.

Causes of abnormal menstrual cycles or menstrual order are: overweight, stress, dietary disorder, disease, sudden change in exercise schedule, travel, other medical complications etc.

Question 6: Write short note on Amenorrhea.

Answer: Amenorrhea is known as missed periods or absence of a normal monthly period or menstrual cycle. There are two types of amenorrhea.

(a) Primary amenorrhea: Menstruation cycle does not begin at puberty.

(b) Secondary amenorrhea: It happens when menstruation is missed for three months or more. This is the most common type of amenorrhea.

Question 7: Explain the term Menarche.

Answer: Menarche (first menstruation) is usually considered the point of sexual maturity for girls. It is the process in which female reproduction system matures and the body prepares itself for potential pregnancy. It is associated with the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Menarche is one of the most significant milestones in a woman’s life. The average age for a girl to get her first period ranges from 8 to 15 years old.

Question 8: Choose the correct option:

1. Weakening of bones due to loss of bone density and improper bone formation is

(a) Amenorrhea
(b) Anorexia Nervosa
(c) Osteoporosis
(d) Lordosis

2. What is the cause of Osteoporosis in women?

(a) High blood pressure
(b) Menarche
(c) Excessive exercise
(d) Lack of calcium and vitamin D

3. Female athlete triad is a syndrome characterized by

(a) Osteoporosis
(b) Amenorrhea
(c) Eating disorder
(d) All of the above

4. In which type of Anorexia does an individual lose weight by taking laxatives or diuretics

(a) Bulimia Nervosa
(b) Purging type
(c) Restricting type
(d) Anorexia Nervosa

Question 9: Explain eating disorder.

Answer: Eating disorder is known as gross disturbance in eating behaviour. Disordered eating has wide range of harmful and often ineffective eating behaviours in the process of weight reduction. These includes calorie restriction to clinical disorders of Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Two types of eating disorder are:

1. Anorexia nervosa

It is an eating disorder where an individual tries to reduce body weight abnormally. To prevent weight gain or to continue losing weight, people with anorexia usually severely restrict the amount of food they eat. They may control calorie intake by vomiting after eating or by misusing laxatives, diet aids, or diuretics. They may also try to lose weight by exercising excessively. No matter how much weight is lost, the person continues to fear weight gain.

Symptoms of Anorexia nervosa:

It may include menstrual dysfunction, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, unexpected weight loss, muscle weakness, stress fracture, bone weakness, overuse injuries, anxiety etc.

2. Bulimia nervosa

It is an eating disorder in which an individual eats large amount of food with loss of control over eating and then adopts unhealthy ways to cut down calories like vomiting, taking laxatives, weight loss supplements, diuretics, excessive exercises etc.

Symptoms of bulimia nervosa:

Dehydration, dental problems, oedema, electrolyte abnormalities, extreme weight fluctuation, menstrual irregularity, weakness, cramps, depression etc.

Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports Questions & Answers – Part 2

Question 10: Write a short note on Low Bone Mineral density.

Answer: Previously termed as osteoporosis, Low bone mineral density, may be defined as a disease marked by increased bone fragility, disturbance in bone structure including low bone mineral density (BMD) that may result in fractures, pain, deformity, disability etc.

Causes of Low Bone Mineral Density

Low BMD is generally caused by improper diet and amenorrhoea. Due to low level of oestrogen and progesterone in female athletes, their bones become weaker and lose minerals.

Effects of Low Bone Mineral Density

It includes increased occurrence of injury, stress fractures, and risk of early osteoporosis after menopause.

Question 11: Write a note on Female Athlete Triad.

Answer: Though participation in sports brings a lot of physical, psychological and social benefits for women however, sports like Judo, boxing, wrestling, taekwondo etc. exert a lot of pressure on athletes to maintain their shape and weight. For participation in sports like distance running, cycling, cross country etc. athletes have to take a balanced diet since these demand high levels of energy and a good quantity of dietary intake. Such pressures put the athlete’s health at risk and leads to Female Athlete Triad.

The term ‘triad’ was first described by American college of sports medicine in 1992. The three components that are now used to describe the Female Athlete Triad are:

(a) Low energy availability with or without eating disorder
(b) Dysfunction of menstruation
(c) Low bone density

All these three components can be easily resolved by proper energy intake and expenditure and same may be used as effective strategy. Thus, if an individual takes optimum calories as required by body, including energy required for physical activity and energy required for body functions, the result is promotion of healthy bones and normal menstrual function. All three components are very much interlinked.

So, these were Class 12 Physical Education Children and Women In Sports Questions & Answers – Part 2.

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