Class 12 Physical Education Management of Sporting Events Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Class 12 Physical Education Management of Sporting Events Questions & Answers.

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Class 12 Physical Education Management of Sporting Events Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. The basic function of management is:

(a) controlling
(b) budgeting
(c) planning
(d) organising

2. In which of the following functions “recruitment process” take place?

(a) Planning
(b) Staffing
(c) Controlling
(d) Directing

Question 2: Explain the role of planning in organizing Sports Event.

Answer: Role of planning in organizing Sports Event is:

  • Planning is the foremost function in sports as it gives a view of future course of action.
  • It plays an important role to make the event run smoothly, effectively and remain free from conflict.
  • Effective planning must clearly define aims, goals and objectives of the event.
  • It should also explain the procedure or method to achieve the target in simple and easy to understand language.
  • A sports plan should be prepared in a professional manner incorporating the elements of commitment, enjoyment and voluntary effort.
  • A plan must comprehend all the other functions of management like organising, staffing, directing and controlling in order to achieve the predetermined goals.

Question 3: Why controlling function is important in sports event management?

Answer: Controlling is important as it involves imparting instructions to employees and also ensures that those instructions are followed. To organise any sports event, instructions given to members of the organising committee towards achieving common goal must be carried out sincerely for an event to be successful. Higher order management people control lower order people to ensure efficient and effective use to resources.

Question 4: Elaborate the functions of sports event management.

Answer: The functions involve – Planning, organising, staffing, directing, controlling.

1. Planning

The foremost function in sports is planning as it gives a view of future course of action. A plan should be specific, logical, flexible and complete in all aspects and should assist in controlling future events. A plan must comprehend all the other functions like organising, staffing, directing and controlling in order to achieve the predetermined goals.

Planning plays important role to make the event run smoothly, effectively and remain free from conflict. Effective planning must clearly define aims, goals and objectives of the event. It should also explain the procedure or method to achieve the target in simple and easy to understand language. A sports plan should be prepared in a professional manner incorporating the elements of commitment, enjoyment and voluntary effort.

2. Organising

It is a process of execution of the plan. In order to achieve the goals established in the planning stage, this step includes distributing resources and organising personnel. Organising stage determines the type of jobs and responsibility to achieve planning objectives. Preparation of organisation chart with various positions and reporting should be illustrated in this stage.

3. Staffing

This refers to identifying key staff positions, and ensuring that proper talent is serving that specific job duty in order to achieve the aims and objectives of an organization. In this process recruitment and selection of qualified employees take place. After hiring personnel, orientation, training and professional development are also parts of this stage. In sports events, recruitment of staff as per organisation’s needs should be done.

4. Directing

Directing personnel is a leadership quality, and includes letting staff know what needs to be done, by whom and also by when. It includes supervision of personnel while simultaneously motivating them. Without directing, planning or organising has no meaning. It is a function of guiding, inspiring and instructing people to accomplish organizational goals.

5. Controlling

Controlling refers to all the processes that leaders create to monitor success. It involves establishing performance standards, measuring actual performance and comparing them for irregularities. It is an important function of management as it involves imparting instructions to employees and also ensuring that those instructions are followed. Higher order management people control lower order people to ensure efficient and effective use to resources.

Class 12 Physical Education Management of Sporting Events Questions & Answers

Question 5: Choose the correct option:

1. The Committee responsible for liaison with Print media is the __________ Committee.

(a) Technical
(b) Logistics
(c) Marketing
(d) Finance

2. Purchase of sports equipment is a work of the ___________ Committee.

(a) Technical
(b) Logistics
(c) Marketing
(d) Finance

3. Publication of rules and regulations should be done ___________________.

(a) Pre event
(b) During event
(c) Post event
(d) Any time during the event

Question 6: What should be the role of technical committee while organizing the event?

Answer: The role of technical committee while organizing the event is:

This committee covers the technical aspect of the events like requisitions to procure sports equipment, conducting matches on time through selected officials for their respective games/sports.

Before the event, it is the job of the Technical Committee to put forward a requisition to purchase equipment, invitation and confirmation from officials to conduct sports event, cleaning and layout of the fields, arrangement of equipment and stationery, preparation of fixtures, rules and regulation of the sports event.

While the tournament is in progress, the Technical Committee is responsible for conducting matches, presence of the jury, cleaning and layout of the fields, collection of score sheets and other related papers from officials, preparation of merit list, etc.

After the event is over, the Technical Committee arranges for the cleaning and layout of the fields, maintenance of the field, and placing of all equipment back to store.

Question 7: Explain the role of marketing committee during the event.

Answer: The role of marketing committee during the event is:

The Marketing Committee develops plans and strategies to place the event in the market with the purpose of generating publicity and sponsorships.

Before the event, The Marketing Committee prepares a strategy for arranging for sponsorships, publicity of the event, arranging meetings or calling on sponsors, preparation of MoUs for sponsorships etc.

During the event, The Marketing Committee issues press release(s), works with media, manages methods of communication, fulfils the requirements of sponsors as per MoUs, arrangement for telecast of event etc.

Once the event is over, the Committee issues a press release, and may arrange for a re-telecast of the event.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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