Counting Crows Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Counting Crows Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Longest Story In The World, Games During A Holiday and Bed In Summer so, you can check these posts as well.

Counting Crows Questions & Answers

Question 1: Number these sentences correctly:


…4…The ministers did not know the answer.
…6…Akbar and the ministers appreciated his smart answer.
…2…He saw many crows flying in the garden.
…1…Emperor Akbar loved asking his ministers questions.
…3…He asked his ministers for the number of crows in the kingdom.
…5…Birbal gave a clever answer to the question.

Question 2: When did Akbar ask about the crows?

Answer: Akbar asked about the crows when he saw a few flying in the garden while he and his ministers were walking around his palace.

Question 3: Why did the ministers look at one another helplessly?

Answer: The ministers looked at one another helplessly because none of them knew the answer to the question.

Question 4: What number did Birbal give Akbar? Was he sure of it?

Answer: The number Birbal gave Akbar was nine thousand, eight hundred and seventy-six. He appeared to be sure of it.

Question 5: What reason did Birbal give for a higher number of crows?

Answer: Birbal said that like people, crows too visit their relatives in other places. If there were a higher number of crows, then it just meant that the relatives of the crows from this kingdom had come visiting.

Question 6: How did Birbal explain a lower number of crows?

Answer: Birbal explained that if there were a lower number of crows, it meant that some of the crows from the kingdom had gone to visit their relatives in other places.

Question 7: Read these lines and answer the questions.

1. He knew that they were some of the cleverest people in the kingdom.

(a) Who was ‘he’ and who were ‘they’?

Answer: ‘He’ was Emperor Akbar. ‘They’ were his ministers.

(b) Why was this person thinking about their intelligence?

Answer: He was thinking about their intelligence because he had just asked a question that they did not have an answer to.

2. Nothing intelligent to say?

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: Akbar said this to Birbal.

(b) What was the reply?

Answer: Birbal replied that according to his calculations, there were nine thousand, eight hundred and seventy-six crows in the kingdom.

Question 8: Why do you think the ministers were relieved when Akbar started laughing?

Answer: Akbar was an emperor and the ministers worked for him. He was very powerful. When the ministers could not think of an answer to his question, they felt helpless because Akbar was expecting an answer. So they probably felt relieved because Birbal’s answer was accepted.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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