Dark Is The Nation and Insane Is The King Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Dark Is The Nation and Insane Is The King Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Space Adventure of Tim Potter, Punctuality Poem and The Clans so, you can check these posts as well.

Dark Is The Nation and Insane Is The King Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why did Jagdish’s Guru advise him against going to the town of Ajmaira?

Answer: Jagdish’s Guru advised him against going to the town of Ajmaira because his experience with the people of that town had not been so welcoming. The Guru referred to that place as andheri nagri chaupat raja; takah ser bhaji, takah ser khaja. There was one price for vegetables, dates and everything else. It was an undesirable place to live and citizens there also lacked intelligence.

Question 2: The mother presses charges against the aristocrat for the death of her sons. Was this justified?

Answer: No, this was not justified as her four sons had planned the theft on the aristocrat family and tried to breach a wall. In the process, the wall fell, and the four brothers died.

Question 3: The blame of the broken wall was passed from the aristocrat on top of the line to the neighbour at the bottom, yet none of them was hung. Why?

Answer: The blame of the broken wall was passed from the aristocrat on top of the line to the neighbour at the bottom, yet none of them was hung. This happened because Jagdish’s Guru said to the Judge that whoever would die that day will go to heaven. The Judge was that he himself would be hanged because he wanted to go to heaven. But the King intervened and got his pet monkey hanged.

Question 4: ‘More than shocked, the attendees are frightened. Whose action had left everyone frightened? What was the action?

Answer: The Judge’s action had left everyone frightened. He announced that since the circumference of the noose was unalterable according to the law, the only way for the justice to be done was to hang the first person whom the noose fitted.

Question 5: The story is a satire. It illustrates how the blame game is played and turns justice into mere mockery. Elaborate and justify the statement.

Answer: A satire is a piece of literature that makes fun of follies and shortcomings of a society or a government. The play makes fun of the judicial system of the country. The town of Ajmaira has a court, an appointed judge and a king, but none of them can be relied upon. The judge is easily misguided and passes judgements without even considering their consequences. The whole case is based on a wrong premise. Till we reach the end of the play, no one knows why Jagdish is to be hanged, everyone just goes along with the decision because they want to see someone hanged. In the end, the punishment becomes a boon and the one who is hanged is not even a human being.

Question 6: Compare and contrast the characters of the judge and the guru.

Answer: The judge was lazy and did not take his job seriously. His demeanour suggested insincerity and callousness. Jagsish’s guru, on the other hand, was diligent and promptly came to his help. The guru was sincere in his advice and tried to guide Jagdish to the best of his knowledge. The judge was gullible and easily fooled, while the guru was quite clear sighted and trusted his judgement.

So, these were Dark Is The Nation and Insane Is The King Questions & Answers.

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