Dear Mr Franks Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Dear Mr Franks Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens, Dorothy Meets a Good Witch and A Day’s Wait so, you can check these posts as well.

Dear Mr Franks Questions & Answers

Question 1: Did Aditi and Mr Franks enjoy each other’s company? What tells you so?

Answer: Yes, Aditi and Mr Franks enjoyed each other’s company. Aditi visited Mr Franks every Wednesday and he would welcome her warmly. When Aditi was in the infirmary with viral fever, she couldn’t visit Mr Franks for almost two weeks. Mr Franks missed her too and came to see her. He also brought her flowers from his garden.

Question 2: Did Aditi and Mr Franks’ friendship change after Aditi joined a new school? How do you know?

Answer: No, Aditi and Mr Franks’ friendship did not change after Aditi joined a new school. They continued their friendship through letters. They wrote to each other regularly.

Question 3: Why did Aditi like Mr Franks as soon as she met him?

Answer: Aditi liked Mr Franks as soon as she met him because he made her laugh by telling her very interesting and amusing stories.

Question 4: What did Aditi do every Wednesday?

Answer: Every Wednesday, Aditi visited Mr Franks at the Home for the Aged. She would go there in the afternoon on her own or with Susie.

Question 5: How did Mr Franks know that Aditi was unwell?

Answer: Aditi had not visited Mr Franks for almost two weeks, so he thought that something must have gone wrong. He asked Susie and came to know that Aditi had a viral fever and was in the infirmary.

Question 6: How did Mr Franks cheer Aditi up after he read her father’s letter?

Answer: Mr Franks told Aditi that moving to Delhi and joining a new school meant that she would meet new people and make new friends. This was a good thing and something to be happy about, not something to cry about. He also told her that they would continue their friendship through letters.

Question 7: What did Mr Franks’ letters contain?

Answer: Mr Franks’ letters were amusing and contained news of his garden and his plants.

Question 8: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. Susie and I would troop in, chattering shrilly like a couple of magpies.

(a) Who was Susie?

Answer: Susie was Aditi’s friend.

(b) Where did Aditi and Susie go?

Answer: Aditi and Susie went to the Home for the Aged to meet Mr Franks.

2. “So the bug got you too! How do you feel now, lady?”

(a) Who was the ‘lady’ and where was she?

Answer: Aditi was the ‘lady’ and she was in the infirmary.

(b) What was ‘the bug’ and what did it do?

Answer: The bug was viral fever, and it made many students sick, including Aditi.

3. I was very sad when I read Daddy’s Ietter.

(a) What did the letter say?

Answer: The letter said that Aditi’s father had been transferred to Delhi and that he would take her from Lucknow the following week. Aditi would complete the rest of her schooling in Delhi.

(b) Why did it make Aditi sad?

Answer: Aditi felt sad when she thought of leaving her school and friends in Lucknow.

4. “Agatha, my wife, had a very charming belief.”

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: Mr Franks said this to Aditi.

(b) What was Agatha’s belief?

Answer: Agatha believed that if a butterfly sat on you, a friend far way had remembered you and sent you her/his love.

So, these were Dear Mr Franks Questions & Answers.

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