Do You Want To Play Football – 2 Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Do You Want To Play Football – 2 Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Do You Want To Play Football – 1, Dear Dilip and Freedom Of A Bird so, you can check these posts as well.

Do You Want To Play Football – 2 Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why did Sumit say the girls should go home and play ludo? Why did he think this was funny?

Answer: Sumit said the girls should go home and play ludo because he was underestimating the girls. He thought this was funny because according to him, football was the game of the boys only.

Question 2: How did Monica make him change his mind?

Answer: Monica challenged Sumit and said to him that he was afraid to give girls a chance to play football. She also called him silly and old-fashioned. Sumit could not tolerate this and changed his mind.

Question 3: Fill in the blanks:

1. Sumit was the unacknowledged leader of the gang.
2. The principal had a special announcement to make.
3. The cyclist snatched the purse of the lady.
4. Monica called Sumit silly and old fashioned.

Question 4: Read the lines and answer the questions:

“How dare you!” Sumit exploded. “I’m not! I’m not a stick-in-the mud! I’m not stuck in ancient times. I’m warning you – don’t even say such things to me again!’’

(a) Who said the above lines and to whom?

Answer: Sumit said the above lines to Monica.

(b) Why did Sumit explode with anger?

Answer: Sumit exploded with anger because Monica called him silly and old fashioned.

Question 5: What did Nidhi fear?

Answer: Nidhi feared that Sumit and the other boys will not like to teach the girls to play football.

Question 6: Match the columns to complete these sentences about the story.

Column AColumn B
1. At first, Sumit made fun ofa. and caught him.
2. Monica called himb. a man snatch a lady’s purse.
3. Sumit was surprised thatc. they would start a football team in school.
4. One day the girls sawd. sIlly and old-fashioned.
5. The girls chased the thiefe. the girls for wanting to play football.
6. The principal asked Monica and Nidhif. playing football had been good for the girls.
7. The principal felt thatg. to narrate the incident.
8. The principal said thath. Monica had challenged him.
Answer: 1-e, 2-d, 3-h, 4-b, 5-a, 6-g, 7-f, 8-c

Question 7: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. At first, Sumit said the girls should go and play ludo – True
2. Anuj forced Sumit to change his mind – False
3. A man in a car snatched a woman’s purse – False
4. The principal praised the girls for their bravery – True
5. The principal said only boys should play football – False

Question 8: What had Nidhi feared?

Answer: Nidhi feared that Monica and Sumit would end up in fighting as she was aware of the fact that Sumit was an unacknowledged, short-tempered boy.

Question 9: What happened when Sumit said the girls could play football?

Answer: When Sumit said the girls could play football, the girls felt extremely happy. Soon, both the boys and girls were playing and enjoying their favourite game.

Question 10: How did Nidhi feel while playing football?

Answer: Nidhi felt as if she was sailing into the air and flying off to some wonderful faraway place, along with the ball.

Question 11: According to the Principal, what two things happen when one plays a sport regularly?

Answer: According to the Principal, two things that happen when one plays a sport regularly are:
One can think fast.
Secondly, it makes the person physically stronger and swifter.

Question 12: What happened one day when the girls were returning home after the game?

Answer: One day, when the girls were returning home after the game, suddenly a cyclist came and snatched the purse of the lady walking in from them.

Question 13: What did the girls do to help the lady?

Answer: To help the lady, the girls raced after the purse snatcher. Their shouts unnerved the man and he fell down from his cycle. Later, he was handed over to the police.

Question 14: Read the lines and answer the questions:

“Girls don’t commonly play football… but maybe playing it helped Monica and Nidhi become more agile… gave them the confidence to tackle a thief.’’

(a) Who said the above lines and to whom?

Answer: The principal said the above lines to the students of the school.

(b) According to the principal, what were the qualities that Monica and Nidhi gained by playing football?

Answer: According to the principal, Monica and Nidhi gained qualities like – confidence, agility, strength and swiftness by playing football.

So, these were Do You Want To Play Football – 2 Questions & Answers.

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