Elly Gets Lost Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Elly Gets Lost Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Cats Sleep Anywhere and Bed In Summer so, you can check these posts as well.

Elly Gets Lost Questions & Answers

Question 1: Who said this and to whom?

1. “Am I a tiger?”

Answer: Elly to Sheru

2. “You can’t run as fast as I can,”

Answer: Frisky to Elly

3. “No, you don’t have colourful feathers.”

Answer: Sundar to Elly

4. “Where were you?”

Answer: Mother to Elly

Question 2: Who lived in the Green Forest?

Answer: Many animals lived in the Green Forest.

Question 3: Who was Elly?

Answer: Elly was a baby elephant.

Question 4: What did Elly want to do?

Answer: Elly wanted to go out of the forest.

Question 5: Which animals did Elly meet on her way?

Answer: Elly met a tiger, a deer and a peacock on her way.

Question 6: What did Elly promise Mother?

Answer: Elly promised Mother that she will not go anywhere without telling her.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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