Evolution Of Computers Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Evolution Of Computers Questions & Answers.

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Evolution Of Computers Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

(a) The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) is an example of _____________computers.

i. Second generation
ii. Third generation
iii. First generation
iv. Fourth generation

(b) An Abacus has two sections named Earth and _______________.

i. Mill
ii. Numerical wheels
iii. Store
iv. Heaven

(c) Identify the limitation of a computer from the following.

i. A computer can perform calculations at a high speed.
ii. A computer is a multipurpose machine.
iii. A computer is a reliable machine.
iv. A computer can store huge amounts of data but only the human brain can use and implement it.

(d) Which device is an example of mainframe computers?

i. K-202
ii. Sequoia
iii. PARAM.
iv. Hitachi’s Z800.

Question 2: Fill in the blanks:

(a) Transistors were the first machine to have a set of programming instructions.
(b) The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes.
(c) An Abacus has two sections named Earth and Heaven.
(d) Fifth generation is based on parallel processing and AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology.
(e) Pascal’s Calculator was the first ever mechanical calculating machine or calculator with numerical wheels.

Question 3: Answer in one word:

(a) In the second generation of computers, which device replaced vacuum tubes?

Answer: Transistors

(b) A technology that makes computers think like human beings.

Answer: AI (Artificial Intelligence)

(c) This machine was the first mechanical calculating machine with numerical wheels.

Answer: Pascaline calculator

(d) The designer of difference engine.

Answer: Charles Babbage

(e) A component of the analytical engine.

Answer: Mils And Store

(f) Which calculating device has two parts – the calculating mechanism and printing and control mechanism?

Answer: Difference engine

(g) A type of computer used for weather forecasting.

Answer: Super Computer

Evolution Of Computers Questions & Answers

Question 4: Explain the difference between the first generation and second generation of computers?


  • The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes as the main electronic component. They were very large in size and expensive.
  • The second generation of computers replaced vacuum tubes with transistors. Because of the transistors the size of the second-generation computers reduced to a large extent.

Question 5: List any three advantages of computers.


  • Speed – Computers can process complex operations within seconds. 
  • Reliability – They are very reliable; they rarely break or fail.
  • Consistency – If we enter the same input and processes, a computer will produce the same results each time.

Question 6: Write a short note on fifth generation computers.


  • This generation uses the ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology which makes it possible to produce microprocessor chips having millions of circuit elements on a single chip.
  • The fifth generation computers are also using AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology
  • The aim of Fifth generation is to develop computer-based devices that can respond to natural language input and that are capable of self-learning and self-decision making.
  • Examples: powerful desktops, laptops, tablets, notebook and smart phones.

Question 7: What is the advantage of Artificial Intelligence? Explain with example.


  • A computer can be made to think like a human being with the help of AI.
  • For example – ASIMO has the ability to recognize moving objects, postures, gestures, its surrounding environment, sounds, and faces, which enables it to interact with humans.

Question 8: What are the features of a supercomputer?


  • Supercomputers are the most powerful computers in terms of performance, data processing and speed.
  • They are very expensive and quite large.
  • A supercomputer needs to be accommodated in large air-conditioned rooms; some super computers can span an entire building.
  • These are specialised and task-specific computers used by very large organisations.

Question 9: Computers are being used in many different fields. However, they still cannot replace human beings. Justify.

Answer: A computer cannot replace a human being. It cannot think more than what it is programmed for and cannot take a decision in a particular situation on its own. Human beings can perceive a change in a situation and take a different approach based on their experience and wisdom.

Question 10: List some disadvantages of computers.

Answer: Some disadvantages of computers are:

i. Impact on the labor force 

Computer based machines can do multiple tasks. Hence, reducing the number of laborers. This increases unemployment.

ii. Privacy 

Personal and confidential records if not protected properly may get violated and identities may get stolen.

iii. Health risks

This occurs with prolonged and improper use of a computer.

iv, Impact on environment

Computer manufacturing processes are depleting natural resources and polluting the environment. Computer waste or e-waste is a major concern today.

So, these were Evolution Of Computers Questions & Answers.

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