Fantastic Animals Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Fantastic Animals Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Newton’s Gravity, Eureka and Home Sweet Home so, you can check these posts as well.

Fantastic Animals Questions & Answers

Question 1: What makes caracals ‘natural athletes’?

Answer: Caracals can easily jump as high as ten feet. Their ability to change direction mid-air and when landing on their feet makes them natural athletes.

Question 2: Why were caracals considered superstars by the ancient Egyptians and the Chinese emperors?

Answer: Caracals were considered as superstars by many ancient cultures. They were important to the Egyptians and the Chinese. The Egyptians believed that caracals guarded the tombs of their kings. Chinese emperors considered them precious animals and often sent them as gifts. They were exchanged for gold and silver.

Question 3: How does a pistol shrimp use its claw?

Answer: A pistol shrimp uses its claws for hunting and talking to other shrimps. It snaps its claws to make sound to chat with its friends. For hunting, it snaps its claws so loud that it makes a small explosion in the water. The explosion stuns the fish and the shrimp catches it.

Question 4: Why are pistol shrimps called bite-sized bombs?

Answer: Pistol shrimps are called bite-sized bombs because being small enough to fit in our palm, they are louder than most animals. Their snaps are so loud and hot that they even make a flash like a gun.

Question 5: The living habitats for caracals and pistol shrimps are disappearing day by day. State any two reasons for their disappearance.

Answer: The living habitats for caracals and pistol shrimps are disappearing day by day. The reasons for their disappearance are:

  • Expansion of cities and farmlands
  • Increasing pollution and global warming

Question 6: Briefly describe the hunting style of pistol shrimp and caracal.


Hunting style of caracals: Caracals wait under trees in the evening when birds return to their nests. When a bird is low enough the caracal thrusts itself into the air with its powerful hind legs. Mid-air, it uses its tail to make fine adjustments and its paws to catch a bird mid-flight.

Hunting style of pistol shrimps: They hunt fish using a method used by no other animal. Once a fish is nearby, a shrimp snaps its claws so loudly that it makes a small explosion in the water. The explosion stuns the fish so that the shrimp can catch it.

Question 7: Pistol shrimps live in burrows which they share with goby fish. Write their roles and part of work that they share to live together.

Answer: Pistol shrimps live in burrows which they share with goby fish. The shrimp builds and takes care of the burrow, while the fish protects the burrow and the shrimp from enemies.

Question 8: Read the statements. Mark each statement as ‘True’, ‘False’ or ‘Unclear’. Also, give reasons.

1. Pistol shrimps kill fish without even touching them.

Answer: This statement is true because the pistol shrimp snaps its claws so loud that it creates an explosion. The explosion stuns the fish and the shrimp catches it.

2. Caracals chase and hunt their prey.

Answer: This statement is false because the caracals wait under trees when the birds return to their nests.

3. Pistol shrimps communicate with other shrimps using their claws.

Answer: This statement is true because the snap their claws to chat with each other.

4. Chinese emperors considered caracals precious animals. The more the number of caracals a king had, the richer he was.

Answer: This statement is true because caracals were exchanged for gold and silver.

5. Caracals are nocturnal animals.

Answer: This statement is true because caracals hunt at night.

So, these were Fantastic Animals Questions & Answers.

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