Fortune and The Beggar Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Fortune and The Beggar Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Voyage From London To Bombay, Sympathy, The Pied Piper of Hamelin and From A Railway Carriage so, you can check these posts as well.

Fortune and The Beggar Questions & Answers

Question 1: What was the beggar carrying and why?

Answer: The beggar was carrying a ragged old bag because he used to put the things in that bag which people gave him.

Question 2: Why did he curse his fate? What did he wish for?

Answer: He curse his fate as he was poor. He wished he was as rich as those whose houses he visited.

Question 3: Was the merchant poor? What did he want?

Answer: No, the merchant was not poor. He still wanted to become richer.

Question 4: Did the beggar think that rich people were intelligent?

Answer: No, the beggar didn’t think that rich people were intelligent. He thought that however much the rich people may have, they always wish for more. As far as his case is concerned, he would never be so foolish. If he only had food to eat and clothes to wear, he would never ask for anything more.

Question 5: Why did Goddess Fortune want to help the beggar?

Answer: Goddess Fortune had heard the beggar’s complaints about being poor and she long wished to help the beggar.

Question 6: From where did the gold coins fall out?

Answer: The gold coins fell out from Goddess Fortune’s Horn of Plenty, an ornamental container shaped like a goat’s horn which is a symbol of abundance and nourishment

Question 7: Was the beggar easily satisfied?

Answer: No, the beggar was not easily satisfied. He wanted more and more gold coins even after the caution given by the Goddess Fortune that his bag would not be able to hold more coins.

Question 8: Did the beggar become rich at the end of the story?

Answer: No, the beggar did not become rich at the end of the story. He was greedy and asked for more coins. His ragged old bag could not hold the coins and suddenly, it burst. All the gold coins fell upon the ground and turned to dust. The old beggar became as poor as he had been before.

Question 9: ‘But what a fool he was! He wanted to become richer still, said the beggar about the merchant. Do you think this is true of the beggar himself?

Answer: This is not true of the beggar himself. He himself was foolish. In spite of getting so many gold coins that would have helped him become rich, he asked for more without caring that his ragged old bag would burst. He wanted to become richer so, it doesn’t hold true of him.

Question 10: What did Goddess Fortune offer the beggar? What condition did she lay down?

Answer: Goddess Fortune offer the beggar enough gold to buy food and clothing for the rest of his life.

But she kept one condition that all that falls into his bag shall be pure gold, but every coin that falls upon the ground shall turn to dust.

Question 11: Pick out the sentences which show that Goddess Fortune warned the beggar that his bag would give way. Why did she keep warning him?

Answer: The sentences which show that Goddess Fortune warned the beggar that his bag would give way are:

  • ‘Hold out your bag, but be careful. Your bag is old; it will not hold much.’
  • ‘But your bag – I hear it cracking,’
  • ‘You are a rich man now,’ she said. Your bag will hold no more, it will burst.’

She kept warning him because she had heard his complaints and wanted to help him. She wanted to give him enough gold to buy food and clothing for the rest of his life.

Question 12: Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:

1. I have long wished to help you as

(a) I have heard your complaints.
(b) I am kind and generous.

2. As for me, I would never

(a) like to be rich.
(b) be so foolish.

3. You are a rich man now and

(a) I shall make you richer.
(b) your bag will hold no more.

4. If I only had food to eat and clothes to wear, I would

(a) live like a prince.
(b) never ask for anything more.

So, these were Fortune and The Beggar Questions & Answers.

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