Gecko Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Gecko Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Zai Whitaker. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Hasmina’s Butterfly, The Photograph, The Cheshire Cat and PO so, you can check these posts as well.

Gecko Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Possesses (here) – to have a particular quality or ability
  • Gizzard – part of a bird’s stomach that breaks down food into smaller pieces
  • Predator – animal that kills and eats other animals
  • Frisky – full of energy
  • Stub – short part of something long and thin
  • Manoeuvre – a skilful movement

Question 1: What does the gecko possess?

Answer: The gecko possesses all the body organs and a gizzard.

Question 2: What do the gecko’s feet stick to?

Answer: The gecko’s feet stick to wood, plaster, stone and brick.

Question 3: Which part of the gecko is dropped when it is attacked by a predator?

Answer: The gecko’s tail is dropped when it is attacked by a predator.

Question 4: What happens to the gecko’s tail after it drops a part of it?

Answer: After the gecko’s tail ¡s dropped, only a stub of it shows and the other part of the tail grows back slowly.

Question 5: Choose the correct option:

1. A gecko has a perfect_______________.

(a) gizzard
(b) foot
(c) tail
(d) egg

2. The gecko’s feet are well _____________.

(a) numbered
(b) designed
(c) known
(d) placed

3. Its feet can stick to _____________.

(a) wood
(b) plaster
(c) stone
(d) all of these

4. The predator gets to munch the _____________________ of the gecko.

(a) egg
(b) gizzard
(c) tail
(d) feet

5. According to the poet, the lizard looks like a/an ____________________ without its tail.

(a) tail-less beast
(b) ashamed lizard
(c) perfect mystery
(d) predator

Question 6: Why does the author call the lizard a clever animal?

Answer: The author calls the lizard a clever animal because the lizard can mislead the predator by dropping off its tail for it to munch and then runs away.

Question 7: Why does the lizard drop its tail?

Answer: The lizard drops its tail to create an illusion for the predator. While the predator munches on the tail, the lizard runs away.

Question 8: How does the predator react after the lizard drops its tail?

Answer: After the lizard drops its tail, the predator gets busy trying to understand the mystery.

Question 9: What does the poet mean by ‘manoeuvre’ in this poem?

Answer: The poet refers to the shedding of the tail ‘manoeuvre’ in this poem.

Question 10: What does the term ‘mystery’ refer to?

Answer: The tail of the lizard that he has dropped in order to protect himself is referred to as ‘mystery’.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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