Godan Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Godan Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Prince Who Loved Books, Abou Ben Adhem and Little Girls Wiser Than Men so, you can check these posts as well.

Godan Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why did Hori plant green fodder in the sugarcane field?

Answer: Hori planted green fodder in the sugarcane field because the straw he had kept aside for the animals was finished. The green fodder would have to serve as food for the animals until the rains came.

Question 2: Why did Hori decide not to appeal to the zamindar?

Answer: Rai Sahib, the zamindar, sent a message through his officer that unless the farmers paid up whatever rent they owed the zamindar, they would not be allowed to till their fields. Hori thought that he would appeal to the zamindar, but then gave up the idea because he did not want to be the only one to risk the zamindar’s wrath. He told himself that he would just suffer the same fate as all the other farmers.

Question 3: What had Hori done once?

Answer: Hori had once tried his hand at moneylending when he had a few rupees to spare. Many people in the village did this when they had spare cash.

Question 4: What was Jhinguri Singh doing when Hori went to meet him?

Answer: Jhinguri Singh, the wealthiest money lender in the village, was cleaning his teeth with a datun when Hori went to meet him about a loan.

Question 5: Why was Hori Inclined to laugh at Jhinguri’s proposal at first?

Answer: Jhinguri Singh suggested to Hori that he sell the cow to him instead of going through all the legal formalities such as stamp duty and paying interest. At first, Hori was inclined to laugh at the idea because he did not take it very seriously, and moreover, the cow was very precious to the family.

Question 6: What made Hori rethink his position?

Answer: When the cunning Jhinguri Singh painted a frightening picture of how Hori and his family would get deeper into debt by taking the loan instead of selling the cow, Hori was forced to reconsider his decision. By the time he reached home, he concluded that it would be best to sell the cow, and buy her back whenever there was extra money.

Question 7: How do we know that Rupa loved the cow?

Answer: We came to know that Rupa, Hori’s daughter, loved the cow because she always embraced the cow and fed her first, even before putting the first morsel in her own mouth. Rupa and her sister told Hori that they would not let him sell the cow; instead, they asked him to get his money from somewhere else.

Godan Questions & Answers

Question 8: What did the cow seem to ask Hori?

Answer: When Hori stood before the cow its large, black, expressive eyes seemed to be full of tears. She seemed to be asking him if he was tired of her so soon, when he had promised that he would never sell her. The cow also seemed to be saying that she had been grateful for whatever little she had been given, and never complained. To Hori, it felt like the cow was pleading to him to let her stay.

Question 9: Number these sentences in the correct order.


…6…It was decided that Hori would take the cow away at night, after the girls were asleep.
…3…When Hori came to see him, Jhinguri Singh was cleaning his teeth with a datun.
…4…By the time he reached home, he had more or less decided to sell the cow.
…2…Rai Sahib’s officer arrived with a message.
…5…Hori was in a fix. The girls were really deeply attached to the cow.
…8…Hori took the cow outside and tethered her.
…1…Hori’s home was not the same ever since the cow entered it.
…7…The sky was overcast but there was no sign of rain.

Question 10: Read the line and answer the questions:

1. Now the same man was inflicting this injustice on his poor tenants.

(a) Who was inflicting injustice on his poor tenants?

Answer: Rai Sahib, the zamindar, was inflicting injustice on the poor tenants even though he had recently spoken to Hori about kindness and fair treatment.

(b) What injustice was being inflicted on the poor tenants?

Answer: Rai Sahib had ordered that no farmer could till his land until he had paid whatever rent he owed the zamindar. The farmers, however, would not be able to pay the money if they were not allowed to plant their crops. The farmers had no other way to pay the money.

(c) Why was Hori surprised by the man’s behaviour?

Answer: Hori surprised by the man’s behaviour because the zamindar had never been so harsh before. Only the other day, he had spoken about kindness and fair treatment and he was not being unjust towards the farmers who had no money to pay him.

2. “If I had concealed money, as you say, would I not use it now?”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: Hori said these words to Jhinguri Singh, the wealthiest money lender in the village, when he went to borrow money in order to pay rent for the land.

(b) Why did the speaker say these words?

Answer: Hori had once tried his hand at moneylending and this was the reason for the rumour that he had some money hidden somewhere. Jhinguri Singh felt that Hori had some money. But Hori explained that if he did have any hidden money, he would not have come to a moneylender to borrow money.

(c) Was the listener willing to help the speaker?

Answer: Jhinguri Singh was willing to help Hori because he saw this as an opportunity to own Hori’s cow. He told Hori that he could have the money by selling the cow to him. Taking a loan would mean getting burdened with stamp duty and paying interest.

3. “We won’t let our cow go!”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: Hori’s two daughters said this to Hori when he suggested that they sell the cow to Jhinguri Singh, the moneylender, and then buy her back later when they had enough money.

(b) Why did the speakers say these words?

Answer: The girls said these words because they were deeply attached to the cow. They told him to get money from elsewhere.

(c) How did the listener feel about what the speakers said?

Answer: Hori felt he was in a fix because the girls were very attached to the cow. He had seen Rupa would always embrace the cow and feed her before having a morsel herself.

Godan Questions & Answers

Question 11: How did Dhaniya behave ever since the cow came to her household?

Answer: Dhaniya was vet proud that they had a cow at home and brought up the topic of cow into every conversation.

Question 12: Why did everyone in the village rush to the moneylenders?

Answer: Rai Sahib sent word through his officer that the farmers would not be allowed to plant their kharif crop until they paid up whatever rent they owed him. The farmers themselves had no money and no one was brave enough to appeal to Rai Sahib. So, they rushed to the various moneylenders to borrow money so that they could pay the zamindar and work in the fields.

Question 13: Why did Hori choose to go to Jhinguri Singh and not to the other moneylenders in the village?

Answer: Hori had already borrowed money from the other moneylenders in the village and he was still in their debt. His self-respect would not allow him to go to them again. So, he had no other option but to go to Jhingari Singh, the wealthiest moneylender in the village.

Question 14: What proposal did Jhinguri Singh make to Hori?

Answer: Jhinguri Singh suggested to Hori that he sell his new cow to him and take as much money as he wanted. He said that it was for Hori’s own good because then there would be no legal formalities. Hori would not have to pay interest too.

Question 15: How did Hori’s family respond to his suggestion of selling their cow?

Answer: When Hori suggested to the family that they sell the cow, all hell broke loose. Dhaniya and the girls were very upset. The girls said that they would not let go of the cow and suggested that Hori get the money from somewhere else. Hori then decided that he would take the cow away at night when the family was sleeping. Dhaniya told her husband that the cow had come as an answer to their prayers and therefore they could not part with her.

Question 16: Talk about Hori and his family members’ dilemma about selling the cow. What do you think Hon should have done?

Answer: Hori too was fond of the cow but he realized that he would have to sell her to Jhinguri Singh since he could not approach any other moneylender. He also realized that if he sold the sow, he would have some extra cash in hand. Dhaniya, his wife, felt that the cow should not be sold because the cow was an answer to their prayers. The two girls told Hori to find other means of borrowing money and said that the cow could not be sold. Hori should have probably taken a decision himself since the burden of the borrowed money would fall on his shoulders and there were not many choices in the village.

So, these were Godan Questions & Answers.

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