Going To The Village Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Going To The Village Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Birbal and The Cooking Pot, Mr Toad Goes For A Ride and The Zebra’s Pyjamas so, you can check these posts as well.

Going To The Village Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Nitya and her family were travelling (on a train/in a bus).

Answer: On a train

2. They were going to (buy a farm/visit their relatives).

Answer: Visit their relatives

3. Nitiya’s aunt (ran a girl school/raised calves and ducks).

Answer: Ran a girl school

4. Uncle and Aunty lived in a (high rise building/house with a courtyard and well.)

Answer: House with a courtyard and well

5. Nitiya’s (aunt/uncle) drove the tractor from the station.

Answer: Aunt

Question 2: Read these sentences and answer the questions:

1. “They work on the farm.”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: Mother said these words to Aditi.

(b) Who were ‘they’?

Answer: ‘They’ were uncle Naresh and Aunty.

(c) What did they grow on the farm?

Answer: They grew sugarcane and rice on the farm.

2. “When we were young we used to sit under the trees at night.”

(a) Who said these words to whom?

Answer: Mother said these words to Nitya.

(b) What else did the speaker do when she/he was young?

Answer: The speaker used to sit under the trees and listened to grandpa’s stories. She would sleep under the trees when it was very hot.

(c) Why do you think the speaker and listener/listeners were talking about this?

Answer: They were talking about this because they wanted to tell their children about the village life.

Question 3: Why did Nitya and her family travel to the village?

Answer: Nitya and her family travelled to the village to visit their uncle and aunt.

Question 4: Why did Nitya’s aunt and uncle start the school?

Answer: Nitya’s aunt and uncle started the school so that the girls in the village could study in a school nearby.

Question 5: Describe the house in which Nitya’s aunt and uncle lived?

Answer: The house in which Nitya’s aunt and uncle lived had trees all around it and a courtyard in the centre. There was a well at the back of the house.

Question 6: Why did Nitya’s uncle say that the tractor would not go through the fields?

Answer: Nitya’s uncle said that because it might have spoiled the crops.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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