Good Morning Dear Students Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Good Morning Dear Students Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Kenn Nesbitt. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Travel For Fun, My Dog and Toys For A Big Boy so, you can check these posts as well.

Good Morning Dear Students Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Carnival – a fun fair, usually have rides like the giant wheel and merry go round
  • Clown – a comic character
  • Dye – add or change a colour to
  • Scream – yell
  • Xerox machine – a machine that makes copies of documents onto the paper

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. The principal wants the students to

(a) Spend time collecting pencils.
(b) Spend time resting in bed.
(c) Spend the day playing outside.
(d) Spend time eating candy.

2. The principal wants the students to bring

(a) Their parents for a carnival in school.
(b) Skateboard, scooter and bike
(c) Colours to colour the walls.
(d) Ladders to climb trees.

3. The principal was kidding because

(a) It was April Fool’s Day.
(b) He wanted to change the school system.
(c) He did not like strict rules.
(d) He wanted a bit of a change.

Question 2: Who is the speaker in the poem? Who is this person speaking to?

Answer: The Principal is the speaker in the poem. He/she is speaking to the students.

Question 3: The word ‘ride’ is connected to four words in the poem. Write them down.

Answer: The four words to which the word ‘ride’ is connected are:

  • Carnival
  • Swing
  • Scooter
  • Skateboard

Question 4: What are the two words and phrases that make you think of the jungle?

Answer: The two words and phrases that make us think of the jungle are:

  • Go wild
  • Just go crazy

Question 5: What is the one thing in the poem that simply can’t be done?

Answer: The one thing in the poem that simply can’t be done is to copy your face on the Xerox machine.

Question 6: The speaker seems to understand that school can be tiring and boring at times. Pick out words and phrases that tell us this.

Answer: Such words and phrases are:

  • ‘Please put down your pencils’
  • ‘You don’t have to study. There won’t be a test’.

Question 7: How is it going to be a different day? Write two ways.

Answer: It is going to be a different day as students will be allowed to go out and play and there will be no test and study on that day for students. The students will be allowed to go wild and act strange.

Question 8: What have the teachers decided?

Answer: The teachers have decided to give some rest to the students from study and tests.

Question 9: What is the difference in your feelings from the rest of the poem and the last stanza? Describe.

Answer: Students must be excited and in disbelief as they were getting freedom to do anything but in the last stanza it must be a big disappointment for them as all this was to make fool of them.

So, these were Good Morning Dear Students Questions & Answers.

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