History Poem Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share History Poem Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Eleanor Farjeon. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Gift of Ku, Talking Leaves and The Tree Lover so, you can check these posts as well.

History Poem Questions & Answers

Question 1: Look at stanza 1. How is the difference in the status of commoners and noblemen indicated?

Answer: In stanza 1, while the action of the commoners walking is described as a tidal movement, the noblemen ride.

Question 2: Why do people on the move look like a ‘great tide’? Does this ‘tide’ ever stop? Does it move backwards? How can you tell?

Answer: People on the move look like a ‘great tide’ because of the large number in which they move. This tide never stops, it moves onwards. We know this because as the onward movement happens, history is created.

Question 3: Which lines in the first stanza suggest that people experience both good times and not-so-good times?

Answer: The lines suggesting that people experience both good times and not-so-good times are:

Now in the sunshine
And now in the shade.

Question 4: Which phrase in stanza 3 is similar in meaning to ‘great tide’?

Answer: The phrase ‘great cavalcade’ in stanza 3 is similar in meaning to ‘great tide’. Both refer to the mass movement taking place.

Question 5: In the second stanza, the poet lists various occupations. Do all of them or only some of them help to make history? Why do you think so?

Answer: All occupations listed by the poet in stanza 2 help to create history. This is because history is created by the specific activities of any one occupation.

Question 6: We sometimes say ‘Rome was not built in a day’ to suggest that a complicated task will take a long time and needs patience. Which two jobs seem to reflect this saying?

Answer: The two lines – ‘Churchmen make churches’ and ‘Builders make cities’ indicate that these jobs will take time.

Question 7: Look at stanza 3. Is there a difference between the way craftsmen and artists make things and the way rulers make nations? How can you tell?

Answer: While craftsmen and artists make a range of different things, rulers are committed to the single vision of developing a nation. That is the difference between the two.

Question 8: The poem has examples of contrast in the first stanza. Can you identify all of them?

Answer: Examples of contrast in the first stanza are:

  • Commoners – noblemen
  • Walking – ride
  • Sunshine – shade

So, these were History Poem Questions & Answers.

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