How Much Land Does A Man Need Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share How Much Land Does A Man Need Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Half A Rupee Worth, One Thousand Dollars and The Dying Detective so, you can check these posts as well.

How Much Land Does A Man Need Questions & Answers

Question 1: What did the two women discuss? Were they related to each other?

Answer: The two women discussed their respective town life and village life. The elder one was praising her town life and the younger one praised her village life. Yes, they were related to each other. They were sisters.

Question 2: What did one woman say in defence of rural life? What was the counter argument?

Answer: One woman defended rural life by saying that village life though was rough but was free from anxiety. The village people were not very rich, but they always had enough to eat. She added that village people did not carry the risk of losing all like town people. The other woman gave counter arguments by listing advantages of city life such as comfortable living, fine clothing, and a variety of good things to eat and drink.

Question 3: Pakhom listened to the women’s chatter. He started brooding and reached a conclusion. What was the conclusion?

Answer: Pakhon listened to the women’s chatter and agreed with the fact that rural life was carefree. He concluded that his trouble was that he did not own enough land. And, if he had plenty of it, he would not have been afraid of the Devil himself. He decided to buy some land.

Question 4: When the Devil heard Pakhom’s musings, what did he decide?

Answer: On hearing Pakhon’s musings, the Devil decided to give him enough land thereby getting control over him and bringing him under his power.

Question 5: The estate-owner on whose land Pakhom was tenant sold her land. Who bought the land?

Answer: One of Pakhom’s neighbours bought fifty acres of land. Pakhom was driven by this and so, he arranged money and bought forty acres of the land.

Question 6: How did Pakhom manage to put together the money for buying the land?

Answer: Pakhom had one hundred roubles. He sold his colt and one-half of his bees. He also got his son employed and took his earnings in advance. He borrowed some from his brother-in-law. It is how he managed to put together the money for buying the land.

Question 7: Pakhom met a stranger one day. Who was this stranger? What information did he give to Pakhom?

Answer: The stranger was a peasant who had come from beyond the Volga. He further said that land there was cheap and fertile and many people were settling there. The rye grew as high as a horse and thick enough to make a bundle from five cuts of a sickle. Then, he concluded by telling the story of a peasant who came there with nothing but now owned six horses and two cows.

Question 8: A trader told Pakhom something about the land of Bashkirs. What was it?

Answer: The trader told Pakhom that the land of Bashkirs was near a river, and the whole grassland was very fertile. He mentioned that he had bought thirteen thousand acres of land for just thousand roubles.

Question 9: Who were the Bashkirs? How did Pakhom make friends with them?

Answer: Bashkirs belonged to a tribe and were very simple people. They lived in tents and owned a vast stretch of land. Pakhom made friends with them by giving them various gifts. This is because the best way to make them friends was to give them presents.

Question 10: Bashkirs wanted to repay Pakhom for his gifts. What did Pakhom want from them?

Answer: Pakhom wanted their land from them as repayment for his gifts. He had come there with that purpose only.

Question 11: ‘Our price is always the same: One thousand roubles a day,’ the chief said. What did he mean?

Answer: The chief meant that for one thousand roubles one could claim as much land as he could by going round on one’s feet in a day.

Question 12: On what condition did the chief agree to sell land to Pakhom?

Answer: The chief agreed to sell the land to Pakhom for 1000 roubles a day on the condition that if he did not return the same day before sunset on the spot where he started, he would lose his money.

Question 13: What is the moral of the story?

Answer: The moral of the story is that man has very limited needs and there is always enough for one’s need but never enough for one’s greed. For his lust of money, man keeps doing one sin after the other but his desires remain insatiable. This precious human life goes waste in material pursuit.

So, these were How Much Land Does A Man Need Questions & Answers.

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