How Stories Came About Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share How Stories Came About Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Jackal and The Lion, Pippa’s Song, Bangle Sellers and Wright Brothers so, you can check these posts as well.

How Stories Came About Questions & Answers

Question 1: Fill in the blanks:

1. Zen was good at carving and painting.
2. Manza liked to tell stories.
3. Manza met Nadi first.
4. Manza asked Slander to return on the next full moon.
5. When Manza reached the Land of Oceans and Seas, the King and the Queen welcomed her.

Question 2: How did Manza’s family spend their evenings?

Answer: Manza’s family spent their evenings listening to the stories Manza told them.

Question 3: Why did Manza leave her home?

Answer: Manza left her home in search of stories as she had ran out of stories to tell her children.

Question 4: Whom did Manza ask for help first and how did she help?

Answer: Manza asked Nadi, a kind elephant, to help her first. Nadi agreed and took her to her friend Slander, the big sea turtle.

Question 5: Where were the King and the Queen seated?

Answer: The King and the Queen were seated on a dazzling throne in the deep sea.

Question 6: What did Manza ask the King of Oceans and Seas for?

Answer: Manza asked the King of Oceans and Seas for stories.

Question 7: The King and the Queen asked Manza to give them something. What was it?

Answer: The King and the Queen asked Manza for a picture of her land and its people and things as they could not come out of the sea.

Question 8: What did Zen make for Manza to take back for the King?

Answer: Zen carved and painted pictures of their land to take back for the king.

Question 9: How did the King reward Manza?

Answer: The King and the Queen gave Manza a necklace of shells for her husband Zen and a huge, beautiful shell for herself and the children so that whenever she wanted a story, she could hold the shell to her ear and get a story.

Question 10: The King and the Queen wanted a picture of the human world. Why do you think the King and the Queen wanted a picture? Was Manza able to fulfil this wish? How?

Answer: The King and the Queen wanted a picture of Manza’s land and its people and things as they could not go to the land and see it.
Manza was able to fulfil their wish as her husband carved and painted beautiful pictures of their land which she was able to present to the King.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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