I Love My Baby Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share I Love My Baby Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Going To The Village, Birbal and The Cooking Pot and Mr Toad Goes For A Ride so, you can check these posts as well.

I Love My Baby Questions & Answers

Question 1: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. The armadillo is a strange little animal that looks like something out of a storybook.

(a) What makes an armadillo look like a ‘strange little animal’?

Answer: An armadillo has a ‘coat’ made up of hard but supple plates which makes it look like a ‘strange little animal’.

(b) What does an armadillo do when it is in danger?

Answer: An armadillo rolls itself into a ball when it is in danger.

(c) How many babies does an armadillo mother have at one time?

Answer: An armadillo mother has four babies at one time.

2. “The babies are born in a dome-shaped put in a riverbank or by a stream.”

(a) To which babies does the above sentence refer?

Answer: The above sentence refers to babies of a beaver.

(b) When the babies are older, what three things does their mother teach them to do in the river?

Answer: When the babies are older, mother beaver teaches them to swim, catch fish and build dams in the river.

(c) How do they build a dam? Describe in your own words.

Answer: In order to build a dam, baby beavers have to learn to gnaw at trees and cut legs about two to five feet in length. Then they learn to roll the legs to the river, fill the gaps in the legs with stones and plaster them with mud.

Question 2: Where does Mama polar bear have her cubs?

Answer: Mama polar bear has her cubs in an ice cave.

Question 3: Name two things that an armadillo eats.

Answer: An armadillo eats insects and plants.

Question 4: Name two animals that carry their young in a pouch.

Answer: Two animals that carry their young in a pouch are – kangaroos and opossums.

Question 5: Describe a newborn opossum.

Answer: A newborn opossum is tiny, hairless and was unable to see. It lives in its mother’s pouch for eight weeks.

Question 6: Why does

(a) an armadillo wear a coat?

Answer: An armadillo wears a coat for protection. The hard yet supple plates protect the armadillo from predators while helping it to move away quickly and rolling itself into a ball.

(b) A joey stay in its mother’s pouch?

Answer: A joey stays in its mother’s pouch for protection. Just like a baby opossum, when a joey is born it is small and not strong. So the mother Kangaroo has to protect it all the time by keeping it in her pouch.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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