I Took My Doggy For A Walk Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share I Took My Doggy For A Walk Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Chimp’s True Friend, The Kites and Three Friendly Farmers so, you can check these posts as well.

I Took My Doggy For A Walk Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Took off – left a place, especially in a hurry
  • Gripped – held tightly
  • Leash – a piece of rope or chain tied to a dog’s collar when taking it for a walk
  • Instantly – at once
  • Took flight – ran very fast
  • Roam – to move around without any purpose
  • Bumped – hit something while moving
  • Bounced – moved back in opposite direction after hitting something hard
  • Banged around – moved around a place, making a lot of noise
  • Bruised – to be hurt slightly, leaving a mark on the skin
  • Battered – hurt by being repeatedly hit
  • Ratty – in bad condition
  • Tattered – old and torn
  • Rag – piece of old cloth


This poem is about a young child who takes his dog for a walk. But the dog started running as soon as they were outside the house. The child held the dog’s leash tightly, but the dog was strong. He ran through the neighbourhood, pulling the child behind him. By the time they came home, the child was covered with bumps and bruises.

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. The boy thought it would be fun

(a) to have a pet dog.
(b) to play with his pet dog.
(c) to take his pet dog for a walk.

2. The moment they got outside, the doggy

(a) followed the boy quietly.
(b) tried to run.
(c) ran away and left the boy behind.

3. The doggy liked to roam. We know this because

(a) he roamed around in the city.
(b) he did not wait for the boy.
(c) he pulled the boy through the neighbourhood.

4. When they came back home,

(a) both were very tired.
(b) the boy was injured.
(c) the doggy was injured.

Question 2: Read the lines and answer the questions:

So now I’m bruised and battered
like a ratty, tattered rag.
I took my doggy for a walk.
He took me for a drag.

(a) What was the condition of the boy after the walk?

Answer: After the walk, the boy was in a very bad condition. He was bruised and hurt by being repeatedly hit.

(b) What did he look like?

Answer: He looked like an old and torn piece of old cloth.

(c) Which line makes you laugh? Why?

Answer: The line that makes me laugh is:

I took my doggy for a walk.
He took me for a drag.

This is because the boy took the dog for a walk but on the other hand, the dog was so strong that it dragged the boy.

Question 3: The boy did not scold or hit the dog even once. What does this tell us about the boy?

Answer: The boy did not scold or hit the dog even once. This tells us that the boy was caring and patient. He loves his dog.

So, these were I Took My Doggy For A Walk Questions & Answers.

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