I Was Born Different Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share I Was Born Different Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Deanna C. Dilley. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Subira The Three-Legged Cheetah, Aina kizz and Black Bearded Bai and Three Days To See so, you can check these posts as well.

I Was Born Different Questions & Answers

Question 1: In what ways do people react when they see the poet?

Answer: When people see the poet, they react in different ways. While some question her about her situation, others walk away, stare or even snigger. Sometimes, people talk when they see her, they turn heads to look at her. People also point or just laugh at her.

Question 2: Give four reasons why the poet thinks she is born different.

Answer: The poet mentions that she is born different as her fingers do not straighten, her elbows are bent, hen ankles are weak and her back is curved.

Question 3: What does the poet mean by the line – ‘I can talk up a storm’?

Answer: She means that now she can speak a lot at any given time.

Question 4: What are the sports that the poet takes part in? Is she a successful athlete? How can you tell?

Answer: The poet takes part in bowling, track and basketball. We know that she is a successful athlete as she has won many medals.

Question 5: What according to you is the poet’s attitude?

Answer: The poet is cheerful and thinks that disability is no barrier to achievement.

Question 6: Pick out one line that brings out the poet’s ‘Yes, I can’ attitude.

Answer: ‘So what if I was born different!’ brings out the poet’s positive attitude.

Question 7: Pick out the two lines that show the turning point in her life.

Answer: The following two lines show the turning point in the poet’s life:

‘I used to be shy
But not anymore.’

Question 8: The poem ends with the line – So what if I was born different! Perhaps the poet wishes to say:

(a) ‘I’m better than a lot of able-bodied people!’

Answer: I agree. The poet is sensitive, in addition to all her talents, unlike other able-bodied persons.

(b) ‘You made a mistake when you laughed at my disability!’

Answer: I agree. The poet is laughing back at the world with these lines.

(c) ‘Being born different is no hurdle to achieving glory!’

Answer: I agree. The poet’s medals reveal this also.

(d) ‘Sport opens huge windows of opportunity for people with disabilities!’

Answer: I agree. The poet’s achievements are a case in point.

(e) ‘All of us become disabled at some stage in life. Should a person be made to suffer because he/she was born with a disability?’

Answer: I disagree. No one should suffer for their disability.

(f) ‘If a disabled person is not able to join the mainstream, isn’t society to blame? ’

Answer: I agree. Yes, society has a huge responsibility to integrate disabled persons.

Question 9: I was born different. The poet repeats this line at the end of each stanza. Why does the poet use this device in this poem?

Answer: The poet repeats this line at the end of each stanza to make the point repeatedly that being born disabled does not disadvantage a person, if he or she is determined to strive against the odds.

Question 10: What figure of speech is there in the line – ‘I can talk up a storm’? How do you know?

Answer: This is an idiom as the words together represent a meaning which the individual words on their own do not add up to.

So, these were I Was Born Different Questions & Answers.

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