If You Think Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share If You Think Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Walter D Wintle. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Mr Toad’s Adventure, In Morning Dew and From A Railway Carriage so, you can check these posts as well.

If You Think Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Beaten – (here) defeated; to lose at doing something or achieving something
  • Outclassed – defeated by someone who is much better at something than you are

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. According to the poet, ________ begins with a fellow’s will.

(a) winning
(b) losing
(c) success
(d) hope

2. The poet says that we must think _______________ to rise.

(a) high
(b) deep
(c) less
(d) more

3. The poet claims that we have to be sure of ourselves in order to win a ____________.

(a) battle
(b) gift
(c) war
(d) prize

4. According to the poet, the man who wins is the man who thinks they _____________.

(a) will
(b) can
(c) should
(d) could

Question 2: Which word is repeated throughout the poem?

Answer: The word ‘think’ is repeated throughout the poem.

Question 3: What does the poet say in the first stanza of the poem?

Answer: The poet says that if we think we are beaten or cannot win, it is almost certain that we cannot do or achieve what we want.

Question 4: ‘It’s all in the state of mind.’ What is the poet referring to in this line?

Answer: The poet is referring to the fact that we can do anything if we set our mind to it and if we think we can.

Question 5: What do we need to have if we ever wish to win a prize?

Answer: We need to have confidence and be sure of ourselves.

Question 6: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. ‘If you think you are outclassed, you are
You’ve got to think high to rise,’

(a) What does the poet mean by the word ‘outclassed’?

Answer: The word ‘outclassed’ means if someone is better than or surpasses us in doing a particular activity.

(b) What does the phrase ‘think high’ mean?

Answer: The phrase means to think better of and to respect oneself.

(c) Why does the poet think we must think high to rise?

Answer: The poet thinks that we can achieve success only when we think better of ourselves and believe in our abilities and talent.

2. ‘Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,’

(a) What does the poet mean by ‘life’s battles’?

Answer: ‘Life’s battles’ means the problems and difficulties that we face in our daily lives.

(b) What is the meaning that the poet wishes to convey in these lines?

Answer: The poet says that it is not only the strongest or fastest people who can face and solve their problems. Anyone can do so if they set their minds to it.

(c) Do you agree with the poet? Why or why not?

Answer: Yes, I agree with the poet. Even the weakest person can stand up to life and its problems if they believe in themselves.

Question 7: What is the message of the poem? Explain using examples from the poem.

Answer: The main message that the poem conveys is the importance of believing in ourselves. In lines such as ‘If you think you are beaten, you are, the poet says that we would be unable to do something if we think we cannot do it. Lines such as ‘It’s all in the state of mind’, ‘You’ve got to think high to rise’, and ‘The man who wins is the man who thinks he can’ all convey the message that we can achieve all our goals and dreams if we believe we can and if we trust our own abilities.

So, these were If You Think Questions & Answers.

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