In Search Of Water Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share In Search Of Water Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Alone On An Island, Tigers Forever and The Sun Travels so, you can check these posts as well.

In Search Of Water Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Zeto was

(a) scary
(b) friendly
(c) funny

2. The water in the pond was full of

(a) salt and acids
(b) chemicals
(c) mud and germs

3. Zeto tested the water in the pond, river and well

(a) using a machine
(b) by tasting it
(c) by smelling it

4. Underground water is water that

(a) falls as rain
(b) is in an iceberg
(c) seeps into the ground

5. Zeto could not use the water in the seas and oceans because it was

(a) dirty
(b) salty
(c) wavy

6. Tina was sad because

(a) Zeto did not drink the water she gave him
(b) she could not get clean water for Zeto
(c) Zeto went back home very soon

Question 2: Who was Zeto and where had he come from?

Answer: Zeto was an alien and he had come from a faraway star.

Question 3: Where did Tina first take Zeto?

Answer: Tina first took Zeto to a pond behind her school.

Question 4: How did Zeto know that the water in the pond was dirty?

Answer: Zeto tested the water in the pond using a machine. Its dials showed that the water was full of mud and germs.

Question 5: Why did Tina get excited when she saw clouds?

Answer: Tina got excited when she saw clouds because she thought that she had finally found a source of clean water for Zeto.

Question 6: When did Zeto visit Earth last?

Answer: Zeto last visited Earth fifty years ago.

Question 7: Why did Zeto visit Earth?

Answer: Zeto visited Earth because his spaceship ran on water and Earth is the only planet where water is easily available.

Question 8: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. “Take me somewhere else, please”.

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: Zeto said this to Tina.

(b) Why did the speaker want to go somewhere else?

Answer: Zeto wanted to go somewhere else because the water in the pond was dirty and he wanted clean water.

(c) Where did they go next?

Answer: Next they went to a nearby river.

2. “This is underground water. There are no factories here!”

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: Tina said this to Zeto.

(b) When did the speaker say this?

Answer: She said this when Zeto said that the water in the well had chemicals.

(c) Why did the speaker say this?

Answer: Tina said this because the well had underground water and she thought that underground water was clean and not polluted by waste from factories.

3. “Let’s go where it is raining heavily!”

(a)  Who said this and to whom?

Answer: Tina said this to Zeto.

(b) When did the speaker say this?

Answer: Tina said this when she saw clouds in the sky.

(c) Why did the speaker want to go to such a place?

Answer: Tina wanted to go to a place where it was raining heavily because she thought that rainwater was clean and Zeto could finally get what he wanted.

4. “I always fill the fuel tanks of my spaceship here before I leave for another galaxy”

(a) Who said this?

Answer: Zeto said this.

(b) What does ‘here’ refer to?

Answer: ‘Here’ refers to Earth.

(c) Why would the speaker fill the fuel tanks?

Answer: Zeto’s spaceship ran on clean water and Earth is the only planet where water is easily available. So, Zeto would fill the fuel tanks of his spaceship every time he passed by Earth.

So, these were In Search Of Water Questions & Answers.

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