In The Flood Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share In The Flood Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Magic Violin, A Letter To God and The Last Leaf so, you can check these posts as well.

In The Flood Questions & Answers

Question 1: Where did the villagers take shelter? Why?

Answer: The villagers took shelter in the village temple. They did so because the village got flooded, and the temple was the highest point in the area.

Question 2: Why did Chenna Paraya not want to leave his hut?

Answer: Chenna Paraya did not want to leave his hut because the plot had a few banana trees and a haystack, and leaving them unattended meant leaving them at the mercy of thieves.

Question 3: When did Chenna Paraya leave his hut?

Answer: Chenna faced the flood for two nights and a day. He made a raised platform in the hut with coconut husks and poles and stayed inside hoping that the water would recede. However, the water had risen above the platform. Chenna’s wife who was pregnant, four kids, a cat and a dog were also with him and the hut could submerged in water any time. That was why he left the cottage.

Question 4: Why did Chenna Paraya leave his hut?

Answer: Chenna Paraya braved the flood for two nights and a day. He was hoping that that the water would recede. However, the water continued to rise. Chenna’s wife who was pregnant, four kids, a cat and a dog were also with him and the hut could submerged in water any time. Sensing danger, he decided to leave his hut.

Question 5: How did Chenna Paraya leave the village?

Answer: Chenna Paraya left the village by getting on to a catamaran, He saw a catamaran at some distance from his hut and cried aloud to the boatmen. Fortunately, they heard him and came to help. Chenna, his wife, his kids and the cat boarded the boat and left the village.

Question 6: Who went with Chenna Paraya?

Answer: Chenna Paraya’s wife, their four children and his cat went with him.

Question 7: Why did the dog cry continuously?

Answer: The dog was alone and hungry. So, it cried continuously hoping for help.

Question 8: How long was the dog alone in the hut?

Answer: The dog was alone for two days and two nights.

Question 9: Did anyone help the dog?

Answer: No, nobody helped the dog. When two men came near the hut in a small boat and saw the dog, even then they didn’t help it.

Question 10: Why did the two men come to Chenna Paraya’s hut?

Answer: The two men came to steal Chenna Paraya’s bananas, coconuts and hay.

Question 11: Why did the thieves hit the dog?

Answer: The thieves hit the dog because he was barking madly at them and bit one of them on the leg. The other thief then struck the dog on its belly with a pole.

Question 12: What happened to the dog in the end?

Answer: In the end, a crocodile grabbed the dog and killed him. When water started receding Chenna came back, swimming to his hut in search of the dog. He found the dead dog under a coconut tree. He examined the dog as he was not sure if it was his dog. The dog’s one ear was bitten off, the body was all rotten so its colour had also changed.

Question 13: Was Chenna Paraya unkind to his dog?

Answer: Chenna was really unkind to the dog. He took no notice of the dog and left it alone behind.

Question 14: Choose the correct option:

1. The villagers took shelter in _________

(a) house
(b) church
(c) temple
(d) none of these

2. Chenna faced the flood for _________

(a) one night and two days
(b) one night and one day
(c) two nights and one day
(d) none of these

3. The two men came in the hut were _________

(a) friends of Chenna
(b) thieves
(c) relative of Chenna
(d) none of above

4. One man hit the dog with a _________

(a) stick
(b) hockey
(c) pole
(d) none of above

5. _________ killed the dog in the end.

(a) Lion
(b) Crocodile
(c) Tiger
(d) none of above

6. Chenna was __________ to his dog.

(a) friendly
(b) kind
(c) unkind
(d) none of these

So, these were In The Flood Questions & Answers.

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