Jane Eyre at Lowood Institution Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Jane Eyre at Lowood Institution Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Mouse, The Pandavas In Exile and Tremendous Tree so, you can check these posts as well.

Jane Eyre at Lowood Institution Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why was Jane miserable?

Answer: Jane was miserable because during her childhood, she has lost her parents, after wards was adapted by her uncle and started staying with him. Her uncle also died due to ill health. After the death of her uncle, she was mistreated by her callous aunt, Mrs Reed, who excluded her from every enjoyment in the family and later sent her to a Charity School named, Lowood Institute. At the time of her admission in Lowoods, she introduced Jane as girl with a deceive tendency, for which she was always ill-treated by Mr Brocklehurst, the owner of the charity school.

Question 2: Who came to console Jane?

Answer: Helen Burns, her friend/classmate came to console her.

Question 3: What had Helen got for Jane?

Answer: Helen got some bread and coffee for Jane.

Question 4: Why did Miss Temple come to see Jane?

Answer: After Jane was insulted by Mr Brocklehurst, who asked everybody not to talk to Jane and asked the teachers to watch her, Miss Temple was worried for Jane, so she came to see Jane.

Question 5: What had Mrs Reed done?

Answer: Mrs Reed, broke the promise made to her husband and excluded Jane from every enjoyment in the family and later sent her to a Charity School named, Lowood Institute and at the time of her admission in Lowoods, she introduced Jane as a girl with a deceive tendency.

Question 6: Why was Mrs Reed supposed to take care of Jane?

Answer: Mrs Reed was supposed to take care of Jane because she had promised her husband (before his death) to raise Jane as one of their child.

Question 7: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. Helen Burns was not here; nothing sustained me; left to myself I abandoned myself, and my tears watered the boards.

(a) Who is the speaker?

Answer: In the given context ‘Jane Eyre’ is the speaker.

(b) Who is Helen Burns?

Answer: Helen Burns was the best friend of Jane Eyre.

(c) Why did the speaker say ‘nothing sustained me’?

Answer: The speaker say ‘nothing sustained me’ because from her very childhood, she was only getting suffering and ill treatment in every aspects of her life.

(d) What does ‘abandoned myself’ mean?

Answer: In the given context ‘abandoned myself’ means that she was left alone as her parents and uncle who loved her had died and in Lowood Institute also, she was accused by Mr Brocklehurst, who asked other students not to talk to Jane and asked the teachers to watch her.

Jane Eyre at Lowood Institution Questions & Answers

2. Jane, you are mistaken-probably not one in the school either despises or dislikes you; many, I am sure, pity you much.”

(a) What was Jane mistaken about?

Answer: Jane was mistaken about that everybody in Lowood Institute despises or dislikes her.

(b) Who is the speaker here?

Answer: Helen Burns is the speaker in the given context.

(c) Why did the speaker think that people pitied Jane?

Answer: The speaker think that people pitied Jane because, she was accused by Mr Brocklehurst and everybody in Lowood Institute dislike him.

(d) Which school is the speaker talking about?

Answer: The speaker is talking about the charity school named Lowood Institute, where they used to study.

3. To me, Jane, you are clear now. She kissed me, and still keeping me at her side, where was well contented to stand, she proceeded to address Helen Burns. How are you tonight, Helen?

(a) Who is ‘she’ here?

Answer: In the given context, Miss Temple is referred to as ‘she’.

(b) What does the speaker mean by ‘to me Jane you are clear now?

Answer: By ‘to me Jane you are clear now’ the speaker means to say that after hearing Jane’s complete story, she has now understood that Jane Eyre was wrongly accused and that she is innocent and nice girl.

(c) What did Jane do to be ‘clear?

Answer: To clear herself, Jane Eyre reflected a few moments and narrated her, complete sad childhood story to Miss Temple.

(d) What was wrong with Helen?

Answer: Helen was suffering from tuberculosis.

Question 8: Describe how Jane felt before Helen came to see her.

Answer: Jane felt lonely and abandoned before Helen came to see her. While her stay at Lowood Institution, she had the thought to be so good, to make many friends, to earn respect and win affection which she didn’t get after losing her parents. But, all her expectations were ruined after the deliberation of Mr Brocklehurst.

Question 9: Did Jane worry about people’s opinion of her? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: Yes, Jane was worried about what people feel about her. She had lots of expectation before coming to the Lowood Institution of getting love and affection which she was deprived of but the moment she was abused by Mr Brocklehurst, she got dishearten and depressed. While sharing her feelings with Helen she said, “if other don’t love me I would rather die than live, I cannot bear to be solitary and hated”. This shows how much she was worried of people opinion of her.

Question 10: What did Helen Burns tell Jane about Mr Brocklehurst?

Answer: Helen told that Mr Brocklehurst was not liked by anyone in the institution. She said “if he had treated you as a special favorite then you would have found enemies, declared covert all around you.”

Question 11: What helped Jane to calm down?

Answer: By repeated consoling, Helen told Jane that she can read the sincerity in Jane’s eyes and she know that Jane is innocent of the charges which Mr Brocklehurst alleged on her. Don’t think so much everything will be alright. By hearing all these things Jane calmed down.

Jane Eyre at Lowood Institution Questions & Answers

Question 12: Describe Miss Temple’s attitude towards Jane.

Answer: Miss Temple was a fine and fair minded superintendent of Lowood Institution, who played an important role in emotional development of Jane Eyre. Miss Temple liked and appreciated Jane and had promised her to teach drawing and help her even in learning French.

Question 13: What all did Jane keep in mind when she told Miss Temple her story?

Answer: Before delivering her story to Miss Temple, Jane resolved depth in her heart, and promised herself to be modest and mostly correct. She flashbacked for a few moments to arrange clearly what she had to deliver, and afterwards she told Miss Temple the story of her sad childhood.

Question 14: What did Jane tell Miss Temple about Mrs Reed?

Answer: Jane told Miss Temple that her so called aunt, Mrs Reed was a cold-hearted woman who used to favour her own children and treated Jane harshly as a family member by dismaying the promise (to treat Jane a her own child) she had made to her husband. She used to be very rude to her and always used to blame her, even once she locked Jane in the red room where Jane’s uncle died. While in the room, she was so afraid that she cried a lot and even screamed with fear but everything went vain as her cruel aunt, Mrs Reed left her in the room for a long time.

Question 15: What announcement did Miss Temple make regarding Jane after she heard from Mr Llyod?

Answer: After receiving the letter from Mr Llyod, Miss Temple assembled the whole school and made the announcement that an enquiry had been made into the charges alleged against Jane and she was most happy to be able to pronounce that Jane was completely cleared from every charges.

Question 16: Why do you think Jane did not dream of food that night? What does this tell you about her state of mind?

Answer: After Miss Temple announces Jane free from all charges in the assembly, she was so glad to be free from all the grievous charges as a result of which, her success proportionate to her efforts and she was promoted to the higher class. Recalling all this happiness, she started dreaming of an imaginary supper and forgot to prepare her dinner. This completely reflects that her state of mind was extremely good or impressive.

Question 17: What do you think would have happened if Miss Temple had not supported Jane?

Answer: If Miss Temple would not have supported Jane, then I think that in depression, she would have ruined her life by proportioning her sadness with all failures in life.

So, these were Jane Eyre at Lowood Institution Questions & Answers.

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