King Shibi Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share King Shibi Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Visitor From Fairyland, The Trojan Horse and There Was A Naughty Boy so, you can check these posts as well.

King Shibi Questions & Answers

Question 1: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. King Shibi loved animals also – True
2. A dove flew in and sat on King’s head – False
3. A huge hawk was chasing the dove – True
4. The King offered the dove flesh of any other animal – False
5. The dove wanted the flesh from the King’s body – False

Question 2: Complete the following statements:

1. King Shibi was very charitable and no one went away from him without help.
2. The dove was in great fear and took shelter in the King’s lap.
3. King Shibi ordered scales and a sharp knife to be brought.
4. The King cut pieces of flesh from his thighs and arms, filling the scales.
5. He asked the hawk to eat him up.
6. Alter blessing the King, the divine beings left for their abode.

Question 3: Write three sentences to describe King Shibi.

Answer: King Shibi was very kind hearted. He treated the people as his children. He loved animals too and cared for them much.

Question 4: What did the hawk say to get the dove from the King.

Answer: The hawk said to the king that he was hungry and wanted the dove as it was his prey.

Question 5: What did the hawk ask the King to give in place of the dove?

Answer: The hawk asked the king to give flesh from his body equal in weight to that of the dove.

Question 6: What was the wonderful thing that happened when the king cut his flesh and put it on the scales?

Answer: When the king cut his flesh from his thighs and arms, filling the scales, the bird always weighed heavier.

Question 7: Who was the hawk actually and who was the dove?

Answer: The hawk was God Indira and the dove was God Agni.

Question 8: What did the Gods tell king Shibi?

Answer: The Gods told king Shibi that they just wanted to test him. They said, “You are great and kind, your name shall be remembered as long as the world lasts.”

Question 9: Who said to whom?

1. O King, protect me from my enemy.

Answer: Dove said this to King.

2. Don’t fear dear bird.

Answer: King said this to dove.

3. O King, this bird is my food.

Answer: Hawk said this to King.

4. You are great and kind.

Answer: Gods said this to King.

5. Great is your kindness.

Answer: King said this to hawk.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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