Hi Everyone!! This article will share Know Computers Well Questions & Answers.
In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Be A Good Citizen, A Visit To Washington’s Birth Place and Indian Weavers so, you can check these posts as well.
Know Computers Well Questions & Answers
Question 1: Choose the correct option:
1. Neeli was a 12 year old daughter of a:
(a) doctor
(b) principal
(c) village chief
(d) engineer
2. What is the abbreviation of www:
(a) Wide Web World
(b) What When Where
(c) World Wide Web
(d) Web Wide World
3. Mark the companies that are providing map services:
(a) Google
(b) Yahoo
(c) Microsoft
(d) Nokia
Question 2: Fill in the blanks.
1. World Wide Web is like a huge book containing billions of information.
2. The web connects computers in different parts of the world through internet.
3. For a beginner to find information from the web is like searching a needle in the thick forest.
4. Search engines work as web directories that simplify the information search process.
5. Microsoft, Google and Yahoo are offering map services.
Question 3: What do you understand by World Wide Web?
Answer: The World Wide Web (or Web) is like a huge book containing billions of information.
Question 4: What are search engines?
Answer: Search engines work as Web directories that simplify the information search process. They allow you to specify your words (known as keywords) to show you a list of Web pages that matches your words. You can click the right link to know more about the subject. Your search results will be more useful if you’re specific in stating your keywords. For example, if you want a list of hotels in Delhi, you can specify: Delhi hotels in the search box of a search engine. But if you simply type in hotels, you’ll get a whole lot of irrelevant information.
Question 5: What is the advantage of Boolean searching?
Answer: Boolean operators like AND, OR and NOT allow you to be more specific while searching.
Question 6: Write the names of some search engines.
Answer: The names of some search engines are Google, Yahoo!, Baidu, Bing etc.
So, these were the Questions & Answers.