Lonely Sunday Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Lonely Sunday Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Voices Of The Air and Where My Books Go so, you can check these posts as well.

Lonely Sunday Questions & Answers

Question 1: What did Jochen see when he opened the door to the balcony of their apartment?

Answer: When Jochen opened the door to the balcony of their apartment, he had a wonderful view of the medieval town of Ansbach. He could see the sculpture along the roof of the palace, the majestic tower of the Gothic Sebaldus Church. He could also see the garden of the Black Knight Restaurant.

Question 2: Where did Jochen’s mother work?

Answer: Jochen’s mother worked as a waitress in the Black Knight Restaurant.

Question 3: What did the tourist tell Jochen about Ansbach?

Answer: The lone tourist, as he came down the steps of the Gothic SebaIdus Church, told Jochen that his town was very pretty and romantic.

Question 4: Whom did Jochen hope to see when he went to the restaurant?

Answer: Jochen hoped to see his mother at the Black Knight Restaurant. He thought he would feel better when he saw her.

Question 5: Why was the restaurant full?

Answer: The restaurant was full because it was a Sunday.

Question 6: How was Jochen’s mother’s smiIe different in the restaurant compared to the way she smiled at him?

Answer: Jochen’s mother smiled at a big man who waved to take his order. She smiled at him politely but the smile didn’t reach her green eyes. As an old man gave his order, again she smiled in a friendly way, but again it was not a real smile. It was not the way she smiled at him.

Question 7: Why did Jochen clean up his room and his mother’s bedroom?

Answer: After watching his mother’s tired face at the Black Knight Restaurant, Jochen felt that he had to bring the real smile back on his mother’s face. He then did his homework and cleaned up his room and his mother’s bedroom. He found that he felt good about it.

Lonely Sunday Questions & Answers

Question 8: Why would old Achenbach be surprised?

Answer: Old Achenbach was probably Jochen’s teacher. Jochen did his homework in his best handwriting, something that he probably never did and that is why he felt that his teacher would be surprised.

Question 9: Why did Jochen’s mother hug him?

Answer: When Jochen’s mother reached the kitchen door, apologizing for being late and for not being able to cook a hot meal, she saw before her the beautifully laid table and the flickering light of the candles. She was touched and the old familiar smile spread over her face. She hugged Jochen for his thoughtfulness and for showing her how much he cared.

Question 10: Match the columns:

Column AColumn B
1. Jochen’s fathera. as he used to do lately.
2. Ferdinandb. tired and worried at the restaurant.
3. A conkerc. his mother’s bedroom.
4. A lone touristd. greeted Jochen with a bark.
5. Jochen’s mother lookede. fell on Mrs Hammerstein’s sunshade.
6. Jochen tidied upf. with their best china.
7. Jochen laid the tableg. had played football with him.
8. Jochen did not push his mother awayh. came out of the church.
Answer: 1-d, 2-g, 3-e, 4-h, 5-b, 6-c, 7-f, 8-a

Question 11: Why was Sunday the worst day of the week for Jochen Bruck?

Answer: Sunday was the worst day of the week for Jochen Bruck because the streets of Ansbach in South Germany were deserted. There were no children on the playground and there was nobody to talk to. He felt very lonely because his mother had to work at the Black Knight Restaurant.

Question 12: What memories did Jochen have of Sundays when his father was with them?

Answer: Jochen loved Sundays when his father had been living with them. Mother would bake bread in the oven and prepare roast potatoes. The aroma of her marvellous gravies would make the neighbours tell Jochen’s mother how good it smelled. Jochen and his father would play football on the lawn.

Lonely Sunday Questions & Answers

Question 13: Why did Mrs Hammerstein get angry and scold Jochen?

Answer: As Jochen kicked all the conkers on the pavement, one fell on Mrs Hammerstein’s sunshade. She scolded him and also told him to think of his poor mother who was slaving for an ungrateful boy like him.

Question 14: What did Jochen see at the restaurant where his mother worked?

Answer: At the Black Knight Restaurant, Jochen saw people dressed in their Sunday best. The restaurant was full. He saw his mother with her blonde hair set neatly into a bun. He noticed that she wore more lipstick than usual. She smiled politely at the people from whom she took orders but he noticed that the smile was different because it never reached her eyes.

Question 15: What did Jochen do to feel better?

Answer: As Jochen watched his mother at the restaurant, a lump rose to his throat. Instead of taking the lift, he climbed up the stairs to his flat. He cleaned up his room, tidied up his mother’s bedroom and vacuum-cleaned the whole flat. He washed the dishes and put them away. He treated himself to a massive sandwich and had a glass of cold milk. He felt very good for the first time in a long while.

Question 16: How did Jochen’s mother react on seeing the changes and preparations that Jochen had made at home?

Answer: Jochen’s mother walked into the flat apologizing for the delay. She also told him that they would perhaps have a sandwich to eat since she was very tired. It was then that she saw the beautifully-laid candlelit table. She ran towards Jochen and as tears glistened in her eyes, she smiled her old familiar smile that spread to her eyes. She hugged him the way she used to when he was younger.

Question 17: Why is the day described in the story as ‘a special day’ for Jochen?

Answer: Jochen had been feeling lonely that Sunday. He had happy memories of his father and the good times that they had as a family. In all this, he had forgotten about the importance of his mother until he saw her at the restaurant. He then saw her as she was tired, worried and with a smile that was not her real smile. He made up his mind to bring the real smile back into her eyes. So, he want home, cleaned up the house, did his homework and made his mother a hot meal because he finally understood what an important person his mother was and he wanted to show her how much he valued her. The fact that he had understood this made it a special day for Jochen.

So, these were Lonely Sunday Questions & Answers.

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