Hi Everyone!! This article will share Looking For Vultures Questions & Answers.
In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of On The Streets of London, Where Tigers Swim, Coromandel Fishers and Hope Is The Thing With Feathers so, you can check these posts as well.
Looking For Vultures Questions & Answers
Question 1: Read the lines and answer the questions:
1. It was in one of them that he had come across this amazing piece of information. The book had a title on the cover, An Anthology of Ancient Philosophical Works.’
(a) Where was this book found? Who found it?
Answer: The book titled ‘An Anthology of Ancient Philosophical works’ was found in the wooden chest which belonged to Opu’s father. The book was found by Opu.
(b) What ‘information’ is being spoken about here?
Answer: The ‘information’ that is spoken about here is that if some mercury was put in a Vulture’s egg and left in the sun for a few days and later held in the mouth, then a person could fly high up in the sky.
(c) Why was it amazing?
Answer: It was amazing because it was an easy way to fly yet nobody knows about it.
2. He asked his sister, ‘Didi, do you know where vultures build their nests?
(a) Who was the speaker?
Answer: Opu was the speaker.
(b) Why was he asking about vultures?
Answer: He was asking about vultures because he had read in a book that he found in wooden chest about vulture’s egg that would help him to fly. In order to carry out the experiment, he asked his sister about vultures.
(c) What did his sister say in reply?
Answer: His sister replied that she did not know about vultures and where they built their nest.
Question 2: Describe the condition of the book that Opu found in the wooden chest.
Answer: The cover of the book that Opu found was faded and mottled like marble and as he turned it back a swarm of Silverfish darted out. It had a peculiar old smell. The pages were thick, and dust coloured, and the book had a damaged board cover.
Question 3: What did the boy in the village tell Opu about the vultures?
Answer: One of the boys of the village informed Opu that the vultures built their nests at the top of big trees in the open country.
Question 4: How much did the cowherd want for the eggs? What did Opu pay him?
Answer: The cowherd boy wanted two annas for the eggs he had got. Opu settled the deal by paying him four pice and some of his cowries.
Question 5: What were the thoughts that ran through Opu’s mind after he got the eggs?
Answer: Initially, Opu felt delighted and full of enthusiasm. The doubts started creeping in and he began to have doubts about whether he would be able to fly, when he would fly and where he would fly to.
Question 6: What happened to the eggs? What was Opu’s reaction?
Answer: The eggs accidentally rolled from the shelf and fell on the floor and broke when Opu’s sister was rummaging among some torn rags to find an old piece of cloth to make a wick. Opu cried and refused to touch his food for a whole day and made an enormous fuss according to his mother.
Question 7: Why do you think Opu did not tell anyone what he had found in the book?
Answer: Opu didn’t tell anyone what he had found in the book because he thought that no one would believe him.
Question 8: Why didn’t Opu question the truth of what was written in the book?
Answer: Opu didn’t question the truth because it was an old book with old peculiar smell and perhaps the single piece. This convinced him about its truth.
Question 9: What kind of a boy was Opu? Describe his character.
Answer: Opu was a poor young boy who believed in the book and started his journey to search the ingredients. He was determined and with a lot of difficulties, he was able to arrange the eggs but as he was a simpleton, he got tricked by the cowherd boy and settled the deal with him for the eggs by paying him four pice and some of his cowries. However, the eggs broke when Opu’s sister was rummaging among some torn rags to find an old piece of cloth to make a wick. So, he felt disappointed as he would never be able to fly.
Question 10: Explain in your own words why the author is being ironic when he says that everyone would be able to fly if they had read the Anthology of Ancient PhiIosophicaI Works.
Answer: The author is being ironic when he says this because he thought that either it was the single piece of book or not read by anybody. Otherwise everybody would be able to fly. This was actually a sarcasm over a false claim given in the book.
So, these were Looking For Vultures Questions & Answers.