Loony Moony Teeny Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Loony Moony Teeny Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Dewdrop, The Fly and The Elephant’s Child so, you can check these posts as well.

Loony Moony Teeny Questions & Answers

Question 1: Fill in the blanks:

1. When Tanya woke up, she heard the whistle of the cooker.
2. Grandma would tell Tanya stories after lunch.
3. Loony and Moony were from space.
4. Loony and Moony wanted the trip to be a secret.
5. Loony and Moony brought spacesuits for the children.

Question 2: How did Tanya guess that Papa was making coconut chutney?

Answer: Tanya guessed that Papa was making coconut chutney because she heard the whirr of the mixer-grinder.

Question 3: What did Tanya see after she felt a tug?

Answer: After Tanya felt a tug, she saw two robot-like creatures smiling at her.

Question 4: Why did Moony have to help Aamir on the moon?

Answer: On the moon, Aamir tried to run after their floating picnic basket but instead, he bounced upwards because of low gravity. Moony helped Aamir come back down.

Question 5: Why did Tanya say that they had to eat inside the spaceship?

Answer: Tanya felt that they would be chasing their floating cupcakes instead of eating them. So, she said that they should eat inside the spaceship instead of on the moon.

Question 6: What did the children do on the moon?

Answer: The children floated around and explored the moon. They also collected some small rocks to take back to earth with them.

Question 7: Read these lines and answer the questions:

1. “Shall we call you Teeny?”

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: Moony said this to Tanya.

(b) Why did the speaker say this?

Answer: Moony felt that it was easier to say Teeny than Tanya.

2. “We will take it home……friends.”

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: Loony said this to the children from earth.

(b) What was ‘it’?

Answer: ‘It’ was a cupcake that the children had brought for the picnic.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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