Malala Poem Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Malala Poem Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Roann Mendriq. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Endangered Treasures, The Voice Of Conscience and Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening so, you can check these posts as well.

Malala Poem Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Consternation – a feeling of worry, shock or confusion
  • Blogged on – a blog is a website or web page in which one regularly records one’s thoughts, opinions or experiences for others to read. To blog is to maintain and update such a website.

Question 1: According the Poet, what is the thing that always survives?

Answer: According the Poet, courage and kindness always survive against all odds.

Question 2: Explain the meaning of the first two lines of the poem.

Answer: The first two lines of the poem mean that where there is no education, there is no appreciation for people who want to learn and enlighten others. Such people who want to bring about change have to subdue their voices for fear of opposition and persecution.

Question 3: Read the line and answer the questions:

“How dare they take away my education?”

(a) Who said this?

Answer: Malala Yousafzai said this.

(b) What does the statement tell us about the speaker?

Answer: The line tells us that Malala is not afraid. She stands up for her rights.

Question 4: What did Malala do to express her thoughts and fight for her choice?

Answer: To express her thoughts and fight for her choice, Malala decide to write blogs.

Question 5: How did the world respond to Malala’s Bravery?

Answer: The world listened to what Malala had to say with her interest.

Question 6: Malala Yousafzai was a girl with a heart. What does this statement mean?

Answer: This statement means that Malala has courage and kindness.

Question 7: Often words have symbolic meanings which are different from their literal meanings. For example, in the first line of the poem, ‘darkness’ means evil or lack of hope or knowledge. This is different from its literal meaning, which is absence of light. Here are some words from the poem. Fill in the table.


WordLiteral meaningSymbolic meaning
1. Lightilluminationhope; goodness
2. Sparkflash of lighta bright mind
3. Radiancelight, shinehope, joy
4. Heartbody organcourage and kindness
5. Voicesound produced by vocal cords.thoughts, ideas.  
6. Skythe upper atmosphere as seen from the Earth’s surface.the highest level of achievement.  

Question 8: Make a list of all the rhyming words ¡n the poem.

Answer: Forbidden-hidden; thrive-survive; heart-start; consternation-education; dreams-screams; choice-voice; cry-sky.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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