Metamorphosis Poem Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Metamorphosis Poem Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Major Langlands, My Sister Betty and Tom Comes Home so, you can check these posts as well.

Metamorphosis Poem Questions & Answers

Question 1: Complete the sentence:

The phrase cautious caterpillars refers to the children who are entering the school for the first time and are very careful.

Question 2: Why are the young children reluctant to release their mothers’ hands?

Answer: The young children are reluctant to release their mothers’ hands because they are scared to be alone in a new environment. They don’t trust the new place and the teacher in the beginning.

Question 3: Choose the correct option:

A tangle of tears and smiles …. Here tangle refers to_______

(a) a mix of emotions.
(b) confusion

Answer: (a) a mix of emotions.

Question 4: Chrysalis, as you know, is the intermediate stage in the life cycle of a butterfly. During this stage, the caterpillars live in cocoons where they undergo a lot of changes. In this poem, why is the classroom compared to a cocoon?

Answer: The cocoon provides a safe environment for the growing chrysalis and is also the place where it undergoes a lot of changes. Similarly, a classroom is a safe and secure place for young children where they learn a lot of things and grow in a number of ways.

Question 5: The word miracle in ‘to witness such a miracle’…. Refers to complete change and transformation. True or False?

Answer: True

Question 6: Pick out the three expressions that the children use in the classroom. What do these tell us about them?

Answer: ‘I can’t’, ‘I’ll try’, ‘I did it!’ These expressions show that children are diffident in the beginning and are reluctant to participate in the class activities. Later, they gain in confidence and are willing to try out things, and finally, when they do things, they have a sense of achievement.

Question 7: Do you think the teacher in this poem is loving, kind and gentle? Pick out the words and phrases that suggest this.

Answer: Yes, the teacher is loving, kind, and gentle. Phrases to suggest this are:

‘Calmly, reassuringly I take their hands in mine…’ ‘My heart is filled with pride and celebration…’ ‘I turn with tear-filled eyes…’

Question 8: Metamorphosis is a process in which somebody changes into something different. Can you explain how this process relates to a school pupil?

Answer: In school, young children learn a number of things and grow into young adults. They undergo a lot of physical changes and mental development. In the same way, caterpillars change into pupas and then into adult butterflies.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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