Miss Pickerell In Space Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Miss Pickerell In Space Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Invention of Shoes and Books so, you can check these posts as well.

Miss Pickerell In Space Questions & Answers

Question 1: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. “Nothing like the explosion there’s going to be when the captain finds out about this!”

(a) Who says these words and to whom?

Answer: Mr Killian says this to Miss Pickerell.

(b) What does the speaker mean by ‘… finds out about this’?

Answer: By that, Mr Killian refers to Miss Pickerell’s presence on the ship since she was not supposed to be there.

(c) Why will there be an ‘explosion’?

Answer: The ‘explosion’ here means a metaphorical one, indicating the captain of the ship would be angry about the situation and would ‘explode’ with rage and shout at everyone.

2. “You mean we’re in the stratosphere?”

(a) Who says this line and to whom?

Answer: Miss Pickerell says this to Mr. Killian.

(b) How does the speaker end up where they are?

Answer: Miss Pickerell ended up here because she entered a spaceship parked in front of her house when nobody was watching.

(c) Why does the speaker think they are in the stratosphere?

Answer: Miss Pickerell thinks they are in the stratosphere because, to her, that is the highest any spacecraft or airplane can reach and travel in.

3. “Might as well save himself the trouble.”

(a) Who says this line and to whom?

Answer: Mr Killian says this to Wilbur.

(b) Who is the speaker talking about? What ‘trouble’ is this person taking?

Answer: Mr Killian is talking about the captain of the ship, who was preparing a speech that he would give when they would reach the earth.

The trouble Mr Killian is referring to here is the captain preparing the speech painstakingly.

(c) Why does the speaker feel there is no need to take the trouble?

Answer: Mr Killian feels like there is no need for the captain to take the trouble of preparing the speech because he does not know how long it will be before they can finally land on earth or if they can even reach where they have set out for.

4. “You mean we left Haggerty behind? Who’s going to do the calculations for our flight?”

(a) Who says this line and to whom?

Answer: Wilbur says this to Mr Killian.

(b) How does the speaker feel when they come to know that Haggerty has been left behind? Why?

Answer: Wilbur feels afraid and anxious when they come to know that they have left Haggerty behind because without him, there was nobody to do the calculations that would help steer the spaceship.

(c) Why do they leave Haggerty behind?

Answer: They left Haggerty behind because they did not notice that it was Miss Pickerell who had entered the spaceship instead of Haggerty.

Question 2: Complete the sentences:

1. Miss Pickerell was angry at Mr Killian because he had parked his spaceship outside her house and then had dared to tell her that she had no business being on the spaceship.

2. When Miss Pickerell was lifted right off her bunk, Mr Killian helped her back into it and advised her to fasten the strap across her lap.

3. Miss Pickerell did not believe that they were travelling through space because she did not feel like they were moving at all.

4. Mr Killian had not yet told the captain about Miss Pickerell because the captain had instructed Killian not to interrupt him while he was busy preparing a speech that he would give when they reached earth.

5. When Wilbur came to know that they had left Mr Haggerty behind, he was frightened because only Haggerty could do the calculations, and thus, without him, they would not be able to land.

6. Miss Pickerell felt Mr Killian and Wilbur were very rude because they did not pay any attention to her and instead talked amongst themselves and ignored her request to see the captain.

Miss Pickerell In Space Questions & Answers

Question 3: Which of these words describe Miss Pickerell’s reaction when she finds herself in the spaceship?

(a) angry and bossy
(b) scared and confused
(c) excited and curious

Why do you think she reacts this way? What do you think would have been a proper reaction?

Answer: “Excited and curious” best describes Miss Pickerell’s reaction when she finds herself ¡n the spaceship. She might have reacted this way because she was curious about everything and wanted to know more. She did not seem bothered by her circumstances. A proper reaction would have been her being nervous or panicking about accidentally ending up in a spaceship and eventually, in outer space.

Question 4: Why is Mr Killian not very sure about the spaceship landing anytime soon?

Answer: Mr Killian was not sure about the spaceship landing anytime soon because Haggerty was not on board. Since Haggerty was supposed to do the calculations to help steer the spaceship, it would be impossible for them to reach where they wanted to without him.

Question 5: How do Mr Killian and Wilbur react when they realise that Mr Haggerty is not with them on the spaceship? What does it tell you about them?

Answer: Wilbur panicked and was anxious when he came to know about Haggerty’s absence. Mr Killian forced himself to keep calm but behaved coldly with Miss Pickerell and complained to Wilbur. This shows that both of them did not know much about the calculations that were required to fly the spaceship. They did not have a solution at hand and were trying their best to come up with something together.

Question 6: For a while, Wilbur and Mr Killian forget that Miss Pickerell is with them on the spaceship. Why does this happen? How does Miss Pickerell feel when they leave her alone?

Answer: Mr Killian and Wilbur forgot that Miss Pickerell was with them because they were very worried about how they would land without Haggerty being there to do the calculations for that. At this, Miss Pickerell felt annoyed and thought they were being very rude for ignoring her.

So, these were Miss Pickerell In Space Questions & Answers.

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