My Failed Omelettes Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share My Failed Omelettes Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Sparrows Get A New Home, Don’t Throw The Seeds Away and The Bakers Village so, you can check these posts as well.

My Failed Omelettes Questions & Answers

Question 1: Complete the following sentences:

1. As are result my eggs are only half-boiled.
2. I used to think that boiling an egg would be a simple task.
3. You must get your bread ready sliced.
4. I’ll make you a cheese omelette you’ll never forget.’
5. I found that just getting the water to boil was something of an achievement.

Question 2: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. Gautam’s grandfather lived at 6,000 feet in the Himalayan foothills – False
2. Half boiled eggs are not nutritious – False
3. Granny cooked delicious curries, koftas and custards – True
4. To be perfect we need to practice – True
5. The Scottish and English soldiers were good friends – False
6. The author has never written a bestseller – True
7. It is difficult to boil water in the Himalayas – True
8. The author usually succeeds in making half-boiled eggs – True
9. The author’s cheese omelette was memorable – True
10. The author plans to write a cookbook – True

Question 3: What were the two reasons that the eggs could not boil?

Answer: The two reasons because of which the eggs could not boil were the height of the place and the type of water.

Question 4: Who always offered good advice?

Answer: Gautam always offered good advice.

Question 5: Why did Granny’s curry become sweet?

Answer: Granny’s curry became sweet because Gautam added a cup of sugar instead of adding a cup of spices.

Question 6: Did Gautam like the porridge? Why/Why not?

Answer: No, Gautam did not like the porridge because it was lumpy.

Question 7: What lesson did we learn at the end of the lesson?

Answer: At the end of the lesson, we learnt that ‘Practice makes the man perfect.’

Question 8: Comment on the cheese omelette made by the speaker?

Answer: The cheese omelette was a bit messy, as the narrator was over-generous with the tomatoes. However, the most interesting part was that the narrator had forgotten to add egg into the omelette.

Question 9: If the speaker ever writes a cookbook what would be its title? Give reason for your answer.

Answer: If a speaker ever wrote a cookbook, its title would be ‘101 Failed Omelettes’. The narrator could not cook to save his life. He had a funny and strange experience while making a cheese omelette for his grandson. He had forgotten to add eggs in the omelette. Therefore, he decided to name his book ‘101 Failed Omelettes’.

Question 10: Read the line and answer the questions:

“Raw eggs are probably healthier.”

(a) Who said this?

Answer: The author’s five-year-old grandson, Gautam said this.

(b) To whom was it said?

Answer: It was said to the author.

(c) Why did the speaker say this?

Answer: The speaker said this because the author defend his half-boiled eggs as being more nutritious than full-boiled eggs.

2. “Now look what you’ve gone and done.”

(a) Who said this?

Answer: Gautam said these words.

(b) Why did the speaker say these words?

Answer: These words were said because the narrator spilt the contents of the sandwich on to the tablecloth when he tried to slice it.

So, these were My Failed Omelettes Questions & Answers.

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