Nida’s Adventure Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Nida’s Adventure Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Lion and The Hare, Springtime and Raha’s Birthday so, you can check these posts as well.

Nida’s Adventure Questions & Answers

Question 1: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. Nida went to Mumbai for holidays – False
2. Nida rode a bicycle in the hotel – False
3. Nida gave walnuts to a squirrel – False
4. Nida saw a frog at the fountain – True
5. Nida fell into the pool – True

Question 2: Why did Nida go to Shimla?

Answer: Nida went to Shimla to spend her holidays.

Question 3: What did Nida see from the window at the hotel?

Answer: Nida saw the mountains from the window. There were pine trees everywhere. Birds and squirrels came to eat the pine nuts.

Question 4: Who did Nida follow on her tricycle?

Answer: On her tricycle. Nida followed a squirrel as she found it cute and wanted to give it some nuts.

Question 5: What did Nida see at the fountain?

Answer: At the fountain, Nida saw a frog which was green and yellow in colour.

Question 6: Why did Nida fall into the pool?

Answer: Nida wanted to touch the frog and so, she leaned over the edge of the pool and then fell into it.

Question 7: What did Nida want to do the next day?

Answer: The next day, Nida wanted to take a ride on the toy train.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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